So the final three responses are all correct, and I hope the high level intuition for why is fairly clear.
T of N is definitely a quadratic function.
We know that the linear term doesn't matter much as it grows, as N grows large.
So since it has quadratic growth, then the third response should be correct.
It's theta of N squared.
And it is omega of N.
So Omega of N is not a very good lower bound on the asymptotic rate of growth of T of N, but it is legitimate.
Indeed, as a quadratic growing function, it grows at least as fast as a linear function.
So it's Omega of N.
For the same reason, big O of N cubed, it's not a very good upper bound, but it is a legitimate one, it is correct.
The rate of growth of T of N is at most cubic.
In fact, it's at most quadratic, but it is indeed, at most, cubic.
Now if you wanted to prove these three statements formally, you would just exhibit the appropriate constants.
So for proving that it's big Omega of N, you could take N naught equal to one, and C equal to one-half.
For the final statement, again you could take N naught equal to one.
And C equal to say four.
And to prove that it's theta of N squared you could do something similar just using the two constants combined.
So N naught would be one.
You could take C1 to be one-half and C2 to be four.
And I'll leave it to you to verify that the formal definitions of big omega, big theta, and big O would be satisfied with these choices of constants.
One final piece of asymptotic notation, we're are not going to use this much, but you do see it from time to time so I wanted to mention it briefly.
This is called little O notation, in contrast to big O notation.
So while big O notation informally is a less than or equal to type relation, little O is a strictly less than relation.
So intuitively it means that one function is growing strictly less quickly than another.
So formally we say that a function T of N is little O of F of N, if and only if for all constants C, there is a constant N naught beyond which T of N is upper bounded by this constant multiple C times by F of N.
So the difference between this definition and that of Big-O notation, is that, to prove that one function is big O of another, we only have to exhibit one measly constant C, such that C times F of N is upper bound, eventually, for T of N.
By contrast, to prove that something is little O of another function, we have to prove something quite a bit stronger.
We have to prove that, for every single constant C, no matter how small, for every C, there exists some large enough N naught beyond which T of N is bounded above by C times F of N.
So, for those of you looking for a little more facility with little O notation, I'll leave it as an exercise to prove that, as you'd expect for all polynomial powers K, in fact, N to the K minus one is little O of N to the K.
There is an analogous notion of little omega notation expressing that one function grows strictly quicker than another.
But that one you don't see very often, and I'm not gonna say anything more about it.
So let me conclude this video with a quote from an article, back from 1976, about my colleague Don Knuth, widely regarded as the grandfather of the formal analysis of algorithms.
And it's rare that you can pinpoint why and where some kind of notation became universally adopted in the field.
In the case of asymptotic notation, indeed, it's very clear where it came from.
The notation was not invented by algorithm designers or computer scientists.
It's been in use in number theory since the nineteenth century.
But it was Don Knuth in '76 that proposed that this become the standard language for discussing rate of growth, and in particular, for the running time of algorithms.
So in particular, he says in this article, "On the basis of the issues discussed here, I propose that members of SIGACT," this is the special interest group of the ACM, which is concerned with theoretical computer science, in particular the analysis of algorithms.
So, "I propose that the members of SIGACT and editors in computer science and mathematics journals adopt the O, omega, and theta notations as defined above unless a better alternative can be found reasonably soon.
So clearly a better alternative was not found and ever since that time this has been the standard way of discussing the rate of growth of running times of algorithms and that's what we'll be using here.
正式地讲,我们说N的函数T等于N的F的O,当且仅当对于所有常数C都存在一个常数N时,超出N的T的上限就是该常数C乘以F的F。 N.
因此,该定义与Big-O表示法的区别在于,为了证明一个函数是另一个函数的大O,我们只需要展示一个中等的常数C,以使C乘以N的F成为上限。 ,对于N的T。
因此,让我用1976年的一篇文章作为我的同事Don Knuth的引用来结束本视频,该同事被广泛认为是算法形式分析的祖父。
但是正是唐·克努斯(Don Knuth)在76年提出,它成为讨论增长率,尤其是算法运行时间的标准语言。