It's often said that happiness is achievedonce passion collides with skill. In other words, people thrive when they'redoing the things they love. Naturally, getting paid to do those things is whatmany people consider a dream life. Unfortunately, most people consider such alife just that: an unobtainable dream. That doesn't have to be the case,though. Many hobbies and passions can -- and do -- lead to lucrative careersand fulfilling lives.
Exercising 运动
Fitness gurus who are passionate about stayingfit have a unique opportunity to teach what they love to do. Whether you excelat weight lifting, yoga, pilates or mountain biking, you can take classes tobecome an instructor. Also consider getting a job as a coach for schools andclubs.
Everyone can take a picture with a camera,but it's no secret that some are better at making images than others. If youpossess impressive photography chops, people will pay you good money for yourwork. To build your portfolio, offer your services for low prices and then workyour way up.
Carpentry 木工活
With countless factories creating woodenfurniture for impressively low prices and at impressively fast speeds, you'dthink there'd be no demand for handmade carpentry skills. That's not the case.Many home and business owners still appreciate fine craftsmanship and arewilling to pay for handmade, sturdy, one-of-a-kind pieces.
For some, music isn't just a hobby -- it'snecessary to their happiness here on Earth. If you fall into the "musiclover" category, perhaps a career in staffs, notes and key signatures isfor you. You can give private voice or music lessons in your home or rent astudio and work from there.
Fashion 时尚
It may come as a surprise, but those whoscrupulously follow the latest trends and coo over magazine covers andstrangers' outfits can actually make money off their love of all thingsfashion-related. For example, fashion gurus can become personal stylists,serving as a client's "voice of reason" when it comes to wardrobe.Fashion lovers often make great blog and book writers, too.
Baking 烘焙
Starting a baking business requires you togo through some licensing and perhaps some kitchen renovations to meetgovernment standards, but the payoff is rewarding. Begin by having friends andfamily test your baked goods and then promote yourself around the neighborhoodand city.
Blogging 写博客
If you're a writer and you enjoy having anaudience read your work, consider starting an online blog or two. The topicshould be about something you're both passionate and knowledgeable about. Knowthat money won't flood in right away, since it takes awhile to build upreaders, and readers are necessary for ad revenue.
Vintage Collecting 古玩收藏
Scouring local thrift stores, flea marketsand garage sales and then reselling your findings at a higher price can bequite lucrative. Vintage collectors should have comprehensive knowledge of thegoods they're buying and selling. You can sell your treasures online or set upshop at an antiques store.
Landscape Maintenance 景观护养
For some, mowing their lawn, pulling weedsand mulching the garden is a dreaded -- and sometimes neglected -- chore. Ifyou're someone who actually enjoys doing those things, you'll find yourservices are greatly appreciated. Post advertisements at local cafes,bookstores and other shops to start bringing in clientele.
Organizing 整理工作
Not everyone's able to stay organized. So,if cleaning, arranging and creating a place for everything comes naturally toyou, consider making a profit off your skills. Decide which kind of organizingyou prefer doing.