Create Services
Check code at:
Services and Dependency Injection
- create shared/event.service.ts
//include this in module.ts providers
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
export class EventService {
getEvents() {
return EVENTS
const EVENTS = [
id: 1,
name: 'Angular Connect',
date: '9/26/2036',
time: '10:00 am',
price: 599.99,
imageUrl: '/app/assets/images/angularconnect-shield.png',
location: {
address: '1057 DT',
city: 'London',
country: 'England'
- events-list.component.ts
//OnInit is like interface which class must implements ngOnInit method
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
// import service
import {EventService} from './shared/event.service'
selector: 'events-list',
templateUrl: 'app/events/events-list.component.html' //relative to index.html
export class EventsListComponent implements OnInit {
events: any[]
constructor(private eventService: EventService) {
ngOnInit() { = this.eventService.getEvents()
- bind service to providers in module
import { EventService } from './events/shared/event.service'
declarations: [AppComponent, EventsListComponent, EventThumbnailComponent, NavBarComponent],
providers: [EventService],
export class AppModule { }
Wrapping Third Party Services
Feature: Clicking each thumbnail will toastr event name
We're going to use toastr as 3rd party library. After installation, include toastr js and css into index.html
npm install toastr --save
- create common/toastr.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
//I guess this local variable was assigned the global toastr variable
declare let toastr: any
export class ToastrService {
success(message: string, title?: string) {
toastr.success(message, title);
info(message: string, title?: string) {, title);
error(message: string, title?: string) {
toastr.error(message, title);
warning(message: string, title?: string) {
toastr.warning(message, title);
- events-list.component.ts inject toastr service, and create toastrName function passing event name
//OnInit is like interface which class must implements ngOnInit method
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import {EventService} from './shared/event.service'
import {ToastrService} from '../common/toastr.service'
selector: 'events-list',
templateUrl: 'app/events/events-list.component.html' //relative to index.html
export class EventsListComponent implements OnInit {
events: any[]
constructor(private eventService: EventService, private toastrService: ToastrService) {}
ngOnInit() { = this.eventService.getEvents()
wire toastrName function in events-list.component template:
<h1>Upcoming Angular 2 Events</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-5" *ngFor="let e of events">
<event-thumbnail [event]="e" (click)="toastrName("></event-thumbnail>
- include ToastrService in module
import { EventService } from './events/shared/event.service'
import { ToastrService } from './common/toastr.service'
declarations: [AppComponent, EventsListComponent, EventThumbnailComponent, NavBarComponent],
providers: [EventService, ToastrService],
export class AppModule { }