1. 底特律美术馆 (Detroit Institute of Arts) 于1885年建立,为底特律市政府所有,被称为美国第六大博物馆,2003年曾被评为美国第二大市属博物馆。馆内拥有100多个画廊,藏品包罗万象,陈列着来自世界各地的著名美术珍品,包括奥古斯特·罗丹的雕塑《思想者》、梵高的《自画像》等著名艺术品;
2. 底特律美术馆内的相当一部分艺术品均为曾经的底特律汽车业巨头私人所捐赠。2007年,美术馆进行翻新改造,在原有建筑基础上扩建了5400平米,现总面积为61,100平方米;
3. 底特律美术馆近来将成为首个引入增强现实技术的博物馆,馆方将为参观者提供支持增强现实技术的智能手机 ── 联想 Phab 2 Pro。参观者在游览过程中,只需打开手机中的 Lumin 应用,便可获得 AR 体验。
Futurism: Museums and Technology
① Microscopes显微镜, infrared reflectography 红外反射成像and 3-D mapping /立体投影have long been used by conservationists 文物保护工作者and art specialists /to inform restorations协助修复 and identify forgeries.
② Now members of the public will be able to peel back 一层层剥开the layers of artworks and “see the unseen” for themselves.
③ Next Wednesday, the Detroit Institute of Arts will launch Lumin, an augmented-reality technology 增强显示技术 that overlays exhibits叠加展示 with videos, photographs, animations and contextual information.相关信息
④ Visitors will be armed with Lenovo Phab 2 Pro smartphones.
⑤ They will be able to hold their device up to a 2,000-year-old mummy and see an X-ray of the skeleton beneath the sarcophagus 棺木and bandages.
⑥ And limestone 岩石浮雕reliefs from Mesopotamia, now faded to beige, will be visible in the bright colours in which they were originally painted.
⑦ Google, the technology’s creator, predicts that museums across the world will follow in Detroit’s footsteps.
⑧ Centuries-old artworks and the smartphone generation look set to converge.要看要汇合
microscope: n. 显微镜
infrared refletography: n. 红外线反射成像技术
3-D mapping: n. 立体投影
conservationist: n. 保护工作者
art specialist: n. 艺术专业工作者
inform: vt. 指导
restoration: n. 修复
forgery: n. 伪造物
peel back the layers: 剥开层层包装
augmented-reality technology: n. 增强现实技术
overlay: vt. 覆盖
animation: n. 动画
contextual information: n. 相关信息
be armed with sth.: 配备
mummy: n. 木乃伊
skeleton: n.骨骼
sarcophagus: n. 石棺
bandage: n. 绷带
limestone: n. 石灰岩
Mesopotamia: n. 美索不达米亚
across the world: 全世界
follow in somebody’s footsteps: 跟随某人步伐
set to: 开始
converge: vi. 汇合
"I fear the day that technology will
surpass our human interaction.
The world will have a generation
of idiots."
Albert Einstein