体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。继续展开说明第三列——网络(位置)的描述,对网络描述的业务呈现、信息系统呈现进行说明。
The owner, in describing the business, thatis, producing the model of the business as related to the network (or theconnectivity characteristics of the business), would perceive the “nodes” to bebusiness units, an aggregation of business resources (people, facilities,responsibilities, etc.) at some geographical location. The lines wouldrepresent logistics connections or flows, probably including communicationslinkages, but even more basically would represent the distribution structure orlogistics network along which communications take place.
In the model of the information system (thedesigner’s perspective) for the network description, the information systemdesigner would perceive the node to be some I/S function, like a processor,storage unit, or access point. This would be a conceptual representation,independent of specific technology which would be introduced in the builder’scell. The line, from a designer’s standpoint, would be a communication line atthe conceptual level, such as a leased line, dial-up service, US. mail, etc.This cell would serve the purpose of making the “distributed systems”decisions, that is, specifying where the I/S facilities would be installed,which of them would be connected, and by what type of connection.