电影名《绿皮书》是一本历史上真实存在的黑人出行指南。在1962年,白人至上运动在美国又一次掀起小高潮,黑人邮政员维克多雨果格林编写了这么一本小册子,指出哪些旅店和餐厅可以让黑人入住和就餐。小册子的名字“Green Book”中的Green即取自格林(Green),又似乎采用了绿色象征通畅的含义。电影的两位男主角拿着这本绿皮书开车赶往美国各地巡演。一位男主是著名的黑人音乐家唐,一位是混迹夜总会的白人老炮儿托尼,被召来当唐的司机。 肤色和文化修养上的反差,在旅途上自然产生一些奇妙的化学反应 。除此之外,电影还展现了很多层面的纠葛:种族歧视、同族不平等、主仆之间、音乐家的社会地位、家庭关系等等。
Why we use color eyes to judge other people ?Why we have prejudice on other people ?
What's the important virtues we should have rather than through the external of people, like the color of skin , Money?
<Green Book>was perfectly to express discrimination between black and white man. the protagonist are famous musician Tang and driver Tony ,Tang always alone and quite ,use his unique and noble behaviors deal with others, even he was invited performanced in the White Hosue twice, but in real world the discrimination still existed when he finished the shows.
The driver Tony who never educated was hired work with Tang,and he was humlilate black man, but he get along with Tang pretty well and turely understand why Tang behaviored like those in the end, he also learned how to write letter to his wife, they begin to open to each other and sharing secrets and spirit to each other.
Franckly speaking ,in China the same situation still appeared in our traditional thinking and culture , like Chinese parents who want to kids learn English form White teacher rather than Black man ,they prefer to choose who speak English form UK or US,like Chiese students perfer to make friends with balck one, that's really shamed about this culture ,we should respect on each other, not form the out side, it should the virtue and ability and talents.
Try open our mind and regard everyone is the best gift which the god give to us ,believe me that that will be new world.