Peak·Chapter 3 0807

篇章:上一章问:what changes are you making in your brain?

Target:Mental Representation(简MR)Focus:what?what exactly?How is being said in detail?

Blindfold chess

【part 1】Blindfold chess 引入话题

问题:The grandmasters remember more correctly than novices by deliberate practice ?

事实:The experiment of Herb and Bill shows neither the mid-range player nor the chess master did much better than the novice in remembering the positions of pieces arranged randomly on a board.—then,why :

答案:Beacaus is is an example of a mental representation.their memory is very context-dependent,they encode information efficiently into photographs  so that can remember long time.

Mental Representation

【part 2】MR—内在认知实体

what: a mental structure that corresponds to an object, an idea, a collection of information,or anything else, concrete or abstract, that the brain is thinking about

what exactly: ①只是编码信息的一种方法,而且是需要整体把握,不能只见树木 不见森林;②每个人都有这能力,正常日常生活所需,只是我们没意识到;③不同领域对于形成的内在认知实体的差异巨大;④大神们之所以是大神因为MR量大质高,他们能看见森林,预知能力高,更好的MR让他们吸收信息分析运用更快。


1.Alekhine was well on his way toward that goal when the First World War began, an interruption that rekindled his interest in blindfold chess.

rekindle:to make someone have a particular feeling, thought etc again



仿写:Those books  rekindled the flames of my passing  passion.

Rekindle the fire

2.Before we delve into this, however, let us take a quick detour to examine in more detail the sort of memory that chess experts have for pieces arranged on a chessboar

释义:a way of going from one place to another that is longer than the usualway:  make/ take a detour

detour:n :road,route;  v :deviate divert;de-从...离开--tour-turn环绕...迂回

仿写:To  avoid the traffic jam, it's advisable to make a detour to airplane station.

Detour’s hard to offer an overarching definition that is not too vague,...

释义:including or influencing every part of something: 仅用在名词前

over-arching 在...拱顶之上,我的理解是全面的,

仿写:The result of campaign gave an overarching influence to the global economy.

4.In pretty much every area, a hallmark of expert performance is the ability to see patterns in a collection of things...

释义:an idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or thing:

同义:characteristic ,mark

搭配:hallmark of

仿写:The hallmark of Mona Lisa is the enigmatic expression .

Leonardo da Vinci


1.experts see the forest when everyone else sees only trees。只见树木 不见森林。

2.The same is true for all experts—and most of us are experts at something, whether we realize it or not


3.understanding and interpreting it, holding it in memory, organizing it, analyzing it, and making decisions with it.

【And】保持句子的平衡性Balance of sentence ,Eric推荐语法书的第七章语法中,词性,形式,属性都要保持一致。

4.recognise and respond:压头韵


印象很深的一句话:They worked to become chess masters, and they foundthemselves, with little or no additional effort, able to play blindfolded。他们是为成为象棋大师,蒙眼棋只是副产品。他们并不是为了成为蒙眼棋界大师grandmaster而学习象棋。同理,你是为了学习而读书还是为了成为更好的人而读书。对于一件事的具体做的方式要看自己如何定义它的“初衷”。譬如,英语,他是一门语言,自己在通过阅读大量文本,习得各种语境,然后顺手灭英文,还是说它是自己目标,就是为了学他而学他?其实这种说法很多老师都跟我们说过,但自己往往还是有为了学英文的倾向,两种方法没有好坏之分,只是哪种适合自己,更能愉快的学习。嘻嘻,不过我更想顺手灭英文,让学好英语成为只是阅读中的中副产品。

MR就很好解释了一些生活现象,譬如语境习词的原因,想到昨看Eric公众号有一篇里的arrive ,没有语境我们想到的是"到达",可原句"he became a member of two most exclusive clubs in Paris.he was ce cher Elliott in France.he had finally arrived "意为 到达就不通了。(Ps:昨天链接[],才发现Eric公众号干活满满,想起第一问他书在哪找到,打脸呀。)还有相到当初学网球,刚开始老师总是刻意让自己练习发球的动作,发力的地方得是腰部的力量,不能是腕部,当时不懂为啥姿势不对球技就不行,感觉姿势是用来耍帅了,原来其中另有渊源。超强大脑中泰森多边形的记忆,也是grandmaster的MR技巧吧。牛人越牛是有道理的,信息处理越多量越大效率高吸收越快,滚雪球。自己很弱就开始从小雪球慢慢滚起来,任何时候都不晚。

the key benefit of mental representations lies in how they help us deal with information:understanding and interpreting it, holding it in memory, organizing it, analyzing it, and making decisions with it.——想到了Bloom's Taxonomy

Blooms taxonomy

用它定位自己,做到活学活用不断将学习知识内化,最终形成自己的知识构架,形成体系,the ultimate goal is "create".

小小安利——LiquidText apepe


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