CREATE table if not exists student(
sid int primary key,
stu_name varchar(20) not null,
stu_sex enum('男','女') DEFAULT '男',
stu_age varchar(10) not null,
createtime datetime
CREATE table if not exists class(
id int primary key,
cls_name varchar(50) not null
CREATE table if not exists course(
cid int primary key,
cname varchar(30) not null,
clevel int not null,
tid int
-- ALTER table course add CONSTRAINT fk_tid FOREIGN key(tid) REFERENCES teacher(tid) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE RESTRICT;
CREATE table if not exists score(
score int primary key,
id int not null,
cid int not null,
sid int not null
-- ALTER table score add CONSTRAINT fk_cid FOREIGN key(cid) REFERENCES course(cid) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE RESTRICT;
-- ALTER table score add CONSTRAINT fk_sid FOREIGN key(sid) REFERENCES student(sid) on UPDATE CASCADE on DELETE RESTRICT;
CREATE table if not exists teacher(
tid int primary key,
tname varchar(10) not null,
tlevel varchar(20) not null
insert into student(sid,stu_name ,stu_sex ,stu_age) value
INSERT into teacher(tid,tname,tlevel) VALUE
INSERT into course(cid,cname,clevel) VALUE
INSERT into class(id,cls_name) VALUE
-- 1、学数学的学生
SELECT s_id,s_name from student where s_id IN
( SELECT s_id from score where c_id IN(SELECT c_id from course where c_name='数学'));
-- 2、选修课程的学生
SELECT s_id,s_name from student where s_id NOT IN
( SELECT s_id from score where c_id IN(SELECT c_id from course));
-- 3、学语文的学生成绩
SELECT s_id,s_score from score where c_id IN(SELECT c_id from course where c_name='语文') ORDER BY s_score desc,s_id ASC;
-- 4、查询及格学生学号---
SELECT DISTINCT s_id from score where c_id IN(SELECT c_id from course) and s_score>=60;
-- 5、查询语文前三名学号
SELECT s_id FROM score where c_id=(SELECT c_id from course where c_name='语文') ORDER BY s_score desc LIMIT 3;
-- 6、查询课程平均分
SELECT c_id,avg(s_score) from score where c_id IN(SELECT c_id from course) GROUP BY c_id;
-- 7、查询课程总数
SELECT c_id,count(c_id) from course;
-- 8、查询课程号
SELECT DISTINCT c_id,count(c_id) from course;
-- 9、查询选修两门及以上的学生学号--
SELECT s_id,count(*) from score GROUP BY s_id having count(*)>=2;
-- 10、查询学英语的学生人数--
SELECT count(*) from score where c_id =(SELECT c_id from course where c_name='英语');
-- 查询‘李’姓老师数量
SELECT t_name,count(*) from teacher where t_name like '李%' GROUP BY t_name;
-- 查询平均成绩在60分以上的同学
SELECT student.s_id,student.s_name,ROUND(avg(score.s_score),1) av from score,student where student.s_id=score.s_id group by score.s_id having av>=60;
-- 查询01课程比02课程高的学生编号和分数--
SELECT s_name,s_score from student where s_id in()
(s_id in(SELECT s_id,s_score from score where c_id=01))=
(s_id in(SELECT s_id,s_score from score where c_id=02)) and
(s_id in(SELECT s_id from score where c_id=01))>(s_id in(SELECT s_id from score where c_id=02));
-- 查询没有学过张三老师课程的所有学生名字
SELECT st.s_id,st.s_name,te.t_name FROM student st,teacher te,score sc,course co
where st.s_id=sc.s_id and sc.c_id=co.c_id and co.t_id=te.t_id and te.t_name not like '张三';