. What would you like to order?
. fork: f):rk
. spoon: spu:n
. toothpick: 'tu:@,pik
. napkin: naekin
. silverware: 'silvew3e
. floss: fl)s 牙线
喝的用 a
. I'd like a coke
. I would like a glass of water.
吃的用 the
. I would like the steak.
. I would like the fish.
Before Meal
1. He took me to the restaurant that served a full course meal
2. Excuse me (ask waiter to come here)
3. Can I have another plate and silverware?
At the begining meal
1. We can order an appetizer:'aepitaize
2. what's the soap of the day, please?
Order food
. What's your recommendation?
. Can I have a cup of tea?
. check, please
. order drink
-> hot - iced - extra hot
-> no ice - light ice / less ice
. order size
-> short - tall - grande - venti
. how would you like your steak done?
raw: r)
rare: just cood for a short time. Inside of it is still red.
rare - medium rare - medium - medium well - well done
Order drink
Can I have a Latte?
What size? jackass a-ae a-ae: stupid person
grande and-a:nd big cup, medium um-em, small
At the end of meal
1. Could I have a check, please?
2. Ok, I pay, my treat.
And I'm the host. I pay.
And How about we split the bill? /how about go dutch with you
No no no. You know, there's a saying in China. When in Rome, do as the Romans' do. If you treat me like a real friend, you should let me pay.
3. check, please
-> I foot the bill
-> be my treat
-> It's my treat
-> It's on me
-> Let me take care of it
. take out/ take away / to go
. to-go box / doggie bag