Git is a free and open source distributed version control system (分布式版本管理系统)designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. --- 摘自Git官网
Git是目前世界上最先进的分布式版本控制系统(没有之一) --- 摘自廖雪峰
Linus Benedict Torvalds 大神带着一堆分布在世界各地的优秀程序员开发Linux Kernel,当时最好用的版本管理软件是BitKeeper(BitKeeper不开源,收费)。BitKeeper CEO Larry McVoy也是Linus的好友,他对Linus说,Linux Kernal开发团队可以免费使用BitKeeper,并且说服Linus在Linux Kernel项目中使用BitKeeper。但后来,BitKeeper功能越来越不适用,而且BitKeeper在免费使用的许可证中加入很多限制条件,这样惹恼了内核开发者。双发最终没有谈妥,BitKeeper停止向开源社区提供免费使用的BitKeeper。在没有分布式版本管理工具使用的情况下,Linus大神亲自出马,闭关两周,开发出了Git第一个版本...从此,BitKeeper日渐衰落,不得不在Git发布十一年后,宣布开源...可是,已经没有人用了
The development of Git began on 3 April 2005.[20] Torvalds announced the project on 6 April;[21] it became self-hosting as of 7 April.[20] The first merge of multiple branches took place on 18 April.[22] Torvalds achieved his performance goals; on 29 April, the nascent Git was benchmarked recording patches to the Linux kernel tree at the rate of 6.7 patches per second.[23] On 16 June Git managed the kernel 2.6.12 release --- 摘自Git Wiki
Linus大神4月6日宣布Git项目,到4月18日,就达到设定的Performance goals; 6月16日,Git就开始正式管理Linux Kernel开发 --- 这种开发速度,必须膜拜