Source: China Daily
Date: June 7, 2017
More people born between 1980 and 1989 are remaining single compared to those who are 10 years older when they were at the same age, a survey released on Tuesday showed.
本周二公布的一份调查显示,相比七零后们,如今越来越多的八零后(出生于 1980 至 1989 年间)维持着单身状态。
Nearly one in five men and one in eight women in the age group have never married, according to the survey conducted by the Center for Population and Development Policy Studies at Fudan University and the university's Research Center for Dataology and Data Science. The survey followed 1,200 Shanghai residents born during those years and their families for the past eight years.
该调查由复旦大学人口与发展政策研究中心以及数据科学研究中心共同发起,跟踪了 1,200 名八零后上海居民及其家庭在过去八年中的变动。结果显示,在八零后人群中,近五分之一 (20%) 的男性、近八分之一 (12.5%) 的女性,从未有过婚姻经历。
In 2005, the ration of men and women between 30 and 34 who remained unmarried was 12 percent and 7 percent, respectively, according to official figures.
官方公布的 2005 年数据显示,在 30 至 34 岁人群中,有 12% 的男性未婚,有 7% 的女性未婚。
"We cannot make a conclusion currently whether some in the age group, especially those born between 1985 and 1989, are just postponing marriage or have given up on marriage. We'll try to find the answer through the follow-ups," said Shen Ke, associate professor from the School of Social Development and Public Policy of Fudan University and one of the research leaders.
“特定年龄段、尤其是 1985 至 1989 年间出生的人,他们是打算延迟结婚,还是已经放弃了结婚的念头,对此我们还无法定论。我们将在后续调查中试着去寻找答案。”本次调查带头人之一、复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院的副教授沈可说道。
The survey also found 40 percent of those responding cohabitated before marriage, which used to be taboo in China, a country where people hold traditionally conservative attitudes toward sex.
该研究还发现,有 40% 的受访者承认婚前同居。在中国,人们对性爱还持有传统保守态度,婚前同居也曾是件令人忌讳的事情。
Cohabitation contributes to the fact that people are getting married late, according to the survey report.
"For many, cohabitation is not a substitute for marriage but is a taste of married life to see whether they enjoy it or not. Roughly 60 percent of the survey respondents cohabit for no more than half a year, and then some break up," Shen said.
“对很多人来说,同居并不是代替婚姻,而是对婚后生活的一种尝试和体验,看看自己是否乐在其中。约 60% 的受访者同居不超过半年,一些人在这之后就分手了。”沈可表示。