import execjs
def get_encrypted_password(pwd):
with open("renrendai.js", encoding="utf-8") as f:
code =
js = execjs.compile(code)
result ="getPassword", pwd)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
pwd = "123456"
enPwd = get_encrypted_password(pwd)
function getPassword(pwd) {
var ONLINE_KEY = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDMO0o8vYsqInbD/8uraIdWqP8Y\ncc7KQuLS7w0VbCWocyMRYu582LwzycBOPvbbEKt2feqpUKQ+F3peq+HQnI6gL9d6\n6l0ZG3KjflZTQJ8M847USfUNGVbAi3PJG/NiwQHddUUudmjIEAXwadelp/g+/p97\nYcBAz8caQDcEyI0AjQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----;"
var public_key = ONLINE_KEY;
var crypted;
params = {};
params = certParser(public_key);
if (params.b64) {
var key = pidCryptUtil.decodeBase64(params.b64);
var rsa = new pidCrypt.RSA;
var asn = pidCrypt.ASN1.decode(pidCryptUtil.toByteArray(key));
var tree = asn.toHexTree();
crypted = rsa.encrypt(pwd);
return pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(pidCryptUtil.convertFromHex(crypted));
var navigator = {};
function pidCrypt() {
function a(a) {
a || (a = 8);
for (var b = new Array(a), c = [], d = 0; 256 > d; d++)
c[d] = d;
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
b[d] = c[Math.floor(Math.random() * c.length)];
return b
this.setDefaults = function () {
this.params.nBits = 256,
this.params.salt = a(8),
this.params.salt = pidCryptUtil.byteArray2String(this.params.salt),
this.params.salt = pidCryptUtil.convertToHex(this.params.salt),
this.params.blockSize = 16,
this.params.UTF8 = !0,
this.params.A0_PAD = !0
this.debug = !0,
this.params = {},
this.params.dataIn = "",
this.params.dataOut = "",
this.params.decryptIn = "",
this.params.decryptOut = "",
this.params.encryptIn = "",
this.params.encryptOut = "",
this.params.key = "",
this.params.iv = "",
this.params.clear = !0,
this.errors = "",
this.warnings = "",
this.infos = "",
this.debugMsg = "",
this.setParams = function (a) {
a || (a = {});
for (var b in a)
this.params[b] = a[b]
this.getParams = function () {
return this.params
this.getParam = function (a) {
return this.params[a] || ""
this.clearParams = function () {
this.params = {}
this.getNBits = function () {
return this.params.nBits
this.getOutput = function () {
return this.params.dataOut
this.setError = function (a) {
this.error = a
this.appendError = function (a) {
return this.errors += a,
this.getErrors = function () {
return this.errors
this.isError = function () {
return this.errors.length > 0 ? !0 : !1
this.appendInfo = function (a) {
return this.infos += a,
this.getInfos = function () {
return this.infos
this.setDebug = function (a) {
this.debug = a
this.appendDebug = function (a) {
return this.debugMsg += a,
this.isDebug = function () {
return this.debug
this.getAllMessages = function (a) {
var b = {
lf: "\n",
clr_mes: !1,
verbose: 15
a || (a = b);
for (var c in b)
"undefined" == typeof a[c] && (a[c] = b[c]);
var d = ""
, e = "";
for (var f in this.params) {
switch (f) {
case "encryptOut":
e = pidCryptUtil.toByteArray(this.params[f].toString()),
e = pidCryptUtil.fragment(e.join(), 64, a.lf);
case "key":
case "iv":
e = pidCryptUtil.formatHex(this.params[f], 48);
e = pidCryptUtil.fragment(this.params[f].toString(), 64, a.lf)
d += "<p><b>" + f + "</b>:<pre>" + e + "</pre></p>"
return this.debug && (d += "debug: " + this.debug + a.lf),
this.errors.length > 0 && 1 == (1 & a.verbose) && (d += "Errors:" + a.lf + this.errors + a.lf),
this.warnings.length > 0 && 2 == (2 & a.verbose) && (d += "Warnings:" + a.lf + this.warnings + a.lf),
this.infos.length > 0 && 4 == (4 & a.verbose) && (d += "Infos:" + a.lf + this.infos + a.lf),
this.debug && 8 == (8 & a.verbose) && (d += "Debug messages:" + a.lf + this.debugMsg + a.lf),
a.clr_mes && (this.errors = this.infos = this.warnings = this.debug = ""),
this.getRandomBytes = function (b) {
return a(b)
function Stream(a, b) {
a instanceof Stream ? (this.enc = a.enc,
this.pos = a.pos) : (this.enc = a,
this.pos = b)
function BigInteger(a, b, c) {
null != a && ("number" == typeof a ? this.fromNumber(a, b, c) : null == b && "string" != typeof a ? this.fromString(a, 256) : this.fromString(a, b))
function nbi() {
return new BigInteger(null)
function am1(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
for (; --f >= 0;) {
var g = b * this[a++] + c[d] + e;
e = Math.floor(g / 67108864),
c[d++] = 67108863 & g
return e
function am2(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
for (var g = 32767 & b, h = b >> 15; --f >= 0;) {
var i = 32767 & this[a]
, j = this[a++] >> 15
, k = h * i + j * g;
i = g * i + ((32767 & k) << 15) + c[d] + (1073741823 & e),
e = (i >>> 30) + (k >>> 15) + h * j + (e >>> 30),
c[d++] = 1073741823 & i
return e
function am3(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
for (var g = 16383 & b, h = b >> 14; --f >= 0;) {
var i = 16383 & this[a]
, j = this[a++] >> 14
, k = h * i + j * g;
i = g * i + ((16383 & k) << 14) + c[d] + e,
e = (i >> 28) + (k >> 14) + h * j,
c[d++] = 268435455 & i
return e
function int2char(a) {
return BI_RM.charAt(a)
function intAt(a, b) {
var c = BI_RC[a.charCodeAt(b)];
return null == c ? -1 : c
function bnpCopyTo(a) {
for (var b = this.t - 1; b >= 0; --b)
a[b] = this[b];
a.t = this.t,
a.s = this.s
function bnpFromInt(a) {
this.t = 1,
this.s = 0 > a ? -1 : 0,
a > 0 ? this[0] = a : -1 > a ? this[0] = a + DV : this.t = 0
function nbv(a) {
var b = nbi();
return b.fromInt(a),
function bnpFromString(a, b) {
var c;
if (16 == b)
c = 4;
else if (8 == b)
c = 3;
else if (256 == b)
c = 8;
else if (2 == b)
c = 1;
else if (32 == b)
c = 5;
else {
if (4 != b)
return void this.fromRadix(a, b);
c = 2
this.t = 0,
this.s = 0;
for (var d = a.length, e = !1, f = 0; --d >= 0;) {
var g = 8 == c ? 255 & a[d] : intAt(a, d);
0 > g ? "-" == a.charAt(d) && (e = !0) : (e = !1,
0 == f ? this[this.t++] = g : f + c > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (g & (1 << this.DB - f) - 1) << f,
this[this.t++] = g >> this.DB - f) : this[this.t - 1] |= g << f,
f += c,
f >= this.DB && (f -= this.DB))
8 == c && 0 != (128 & a[0]) && (this.s = -1,
f > 0 && (this[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - f) - 1 << f)),
e && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
function bnpClamp() {
for (var a = this.s & this.DM; this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1] == a;)
function bnToString(a) {
if (this.s < 0)
return "-" + this.negate().toString(a);
var b;
if (16 == a)
b = 4;
else if (8 == a)
b = 3;
else if (2 == a)
b = 1;
else if (32 == a)
b = 5;
else {
if (4 != a)
return this.toRadix(a);
b = 2
var d, c = (1 << b) - 1, e = !1, f = "", g = this.t, h = this.DB - g * this.DB % b;
if (g-- > 0)
for (h < this.DB && (d = this[g] >> h) > 0 && (e = !0,
f = int2char(d)); g >= 0;)
b > h ? (d = (this[g] & (1 << h) - 1) << b - h,
d |= this[--g] >> (h += this.DB - b)) : (d = this[g] >> (h -= b) & c,
0 >= h && (h += this.DB,
d > 0 && (e = !0),
e && (f += int2char(d));
return e ? f : "0"
function bnNegate() {
var a = nbi();
return BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, a),
function bnAbs() {
return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this
function bnCompareTo(a) {
var b = this.s - a.s;
if (0 != b)
return b;
var c = this.t;
if (b = c - a.t,
0 != b)
return b;
for (; --c >= 0;)
if (0 != (b = this[c] - a[c]))
return b;
return 0
function nbits(a) {
var c, b = 1;
return 0 != (c = a >>> 16) && (a = c,
b += 16),
0 != (c = a >> 8) && (a = c,
b += 8),
0 != (c = a >> 4) && (a = c,
b += 4),
0 != (c = a >> 2) && (a = c,
b += 2),
0 != (c = a >> 1) && (a = c,
b += 1),
function bnBitLength() {
return this.t <= 0 ? 0 : this.DB * (this.t - 1) + nbits(this[this.t - 1] ^ this.s & this.DM)
function bnpDLShiftTo(a, b) {
var c;
for (c = this.t - 1; c >= 0; --c)
b[c + a] = this[c];
for (c = a - 1; c >= 0; --c)
b[c] = 0;
b.t = this.t + a,
b.s = this.s
function bnpDRShiftTo(a, b) {
for (var c = a; c < this.t; ++c)
b[c - a] = this[c];
b.t = Math.max(this.t - a, 0),
b.s = this.s
function bnpLShiftTo(a, b) {
var h, c = a % this.DB, d = this.DB - c, e = (1 << d) - 1, f = Math.floor(a / this.DB), g = this.s << c & this.DM;
for (h = this.t - 1; h >= 0; --h)
b[h + f + 1] = this[h] >> d | g,
g = (this[h] & e) << c;
for (h = f - 1; h >= 0; --h)
b[h] = 0;
b[f] = g,
b.t = this.t + f + 1,
b.s = this.s,
function bnpRShiftTo(a, b) {
b.s = this.s;
var c = Math.floor(a / this.DB);
if (c >= this.t)
return void (b.t = 0);
var d = a % this.DB
, e = this.DB - d
, f = (1 << d) - 1;
b[0] = this[c] >> d;
for (var g = c + 1; g < this.t; ++g)
b[g - c - 1] |= (this[g] & f) << e,
b[g - c] = this[g] >> d;
d > 0 && (b[this.t - c - 1] |= (this.s & f) << e),
b.t = this.t - c,
function bnpSubTo(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0, e = Math.min(a.t, this.t); e > c;)
d += this[c] - a[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
if (a.t < this.t) {
for (d -= a.s; c < this.t;)
d += this[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
d += this.s
} else {
for (d += this.s; c < a.t;)
d -= a[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
d -= a.s
b.s = 0 > d ? -1 : 0,
-1 > d ? b[c++] = this.DV + d : d > 0 && (b[c++] = d),
b.t = c,
function bnpMultiplyTo(a, b) {
var c = this.abs()
, d = a.abs()
, e = c.t;
for (b.t = e + d.t; --e >= 0;)
b[e] = 0;
for (e = 0; e < d.t; ++e)
b[e + c.t] =, d[e], b, e, 0, c.t);
b.s = 0,
this.s != a.s && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(b, b)
function bnpSquareTo(a) {
for (var b = this.abs(), c = a.t = 2 * b.t; --c >= 0;)
a[c] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < b.t - 1; ++c) {
var d =, b[c], a, 2 * c, 0, 1);
(a[c + b.t] += + 1, 2 * b[c], a, 2 * c + 1, d, b.t - c - 1)) >= b.DV && (a[c + b.t] -= b.DV,
a[c + b.t + 1] = 1)
a.t > 0 && (a[a.t - 1] +=, b[c], a, 2 * c, 0, 1)),
a.s = 0,
function bnpDivRemTo(a, b, c) {
var d = a.abs();
if (!(d.t <= 0)) {
var e = this.abs();
if (e.t < d.t)
return null != b && b.fromInt(0),
void (null != c && this.copyTo(c));
null == c && (c = nbi());
var f = nbi()
, g = this.s
, h = a.s
, i = this.DB - nbits(d[d.t - 1]);
i > 0 ? (d.lShiftTo(i, f),
e.lShiftTo(i, c)) : (d.copyTo(f),
var j = f.t
, k = f[j - 1];
if (0 != k) {
var l = k * (1 << this.F1) + (j > 1 ? f[j - 2] >> this.F2 : 0)
, m = this.FV / l
, n = (1 << this.F1) / l
, o = 1 << this.F2
, p = c.t
, q = p - j
, r = null == b ? nbi() : b;
for (f.dlShiftTo(q, r),
c.compareTo(r) >= 0 && (c[c.t++] = 1,
c.subTo(r, c)),
BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(j, r),
r.subTo(f, f); f.t < j;)
f[f.t++] = 0;
for (; --q >= 0;) {
var s = c[--p] == k ? this.DM : Math.floor(c[p] * m + (c[p - 1] + o) * n);
if ((c[p] +=, s, c, q, 0, j)) < s)
for (f.dlShiftTo(q, r),
c.subTo(r, c); c[p] < --s;)
c.subTo(r, c)
null != b && (c.drShiftTo(j, b),
g != h && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(b, b)),
c.t = j,
i > 0 && c.rShiftTo(i, c),
0 > g && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(c, c)
function bnMod(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.abs().divRemTo(a, null, b),
this.s < 0 && b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0 && a.subTo(b, b),
function Classic(a) {
this.m = a
function cConvert(a) {
return a.s < 0 || a.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 ? a.mod(this.m) : a
function cRevert(a) {
return a
function cReduce(a) {
a.divRemTo(this.m, null, a)
function cMulTo(a, b, c) {
a.multiplyTo(b, c),
function cSqrTo(a, b) {
function bnpInvDigit() {
if (this.t < 1)
return 0;
var a = this[0];
if (0 == (1 & a))
return 0;
var b = 3 & a;
return b = 15 & b * (2 - (15 & a) * b),
b = 255 & b * (2 - (255 & a) * b),
b = 65535 & b * (2 - (65535 & (65535 & a) * b)),
b = b * (2 - a * b % this.DV) % this.DV,
b > 0 ? this.DV - b : -b
function Montgomery(a) {
this.m = a, = a.invDigit(),
this.mpl = 32767 &,
this.mph = >> 15, = (1 << a.DB - 15) - 1,
this.mt2 = 2 * a.t
function montConvert(a) {
var b = nbi();
return a.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, b),
b.divRemTo(this.m, null, b),
a.s < 0 && b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0 && this.m.subTo(b, b),
function montRevert(a) {
var b = nbi();
return a.copyTo(b),
function montReduce(a) {
for (; a.t <= this.mt2;)
a[a.t++] = 0;
for (var b = 0; b < this.m.t; ++b) {
var c = 32767 & a[b]
, d = c * this.mpl + ((c * this.mph + (a[b] >> 15) * this.mpl & << 15) & a.DM;
for (c = b + this.m.t,
a[c] +=, d, a, b, 0, this.m.t); a[c] >= a.DV;)
a[c] -= a.DV,
a.drShiftTo(this.m.t, a),
a.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 && a.subTo(this.m, a)
function montSqrTo(a, b) {
function montMulTo(a, b, c) {
a.multiplyTo(b, c),
function bnpIsEven() {
return 0 == (this.t > 0 ? 1 & this[0] : this.s)
function bnpExp(a, b) {
if (a > 4294967295 || 1 > a)
return BigInteger.ONE;
var c = nbi()
, d = nbi()
, e = b.convert(this)
, f = nbits(a) - 1;
for (e.copyTo(c); --f >= 0;)
if (b.sqrTo(c, d),
(a & 1 << f) > 0)
b.mulTo(d, e, c);
else {
var g = c;
c = d,
d = g
return b.revert(c)
function bnModPowInt(a, b) {
var c;
return c = 256 > a || b.isEven() ? new Classic(b) : new Montgomery(b),
this.exp(a, c)
function bnClone() {
var a = nbi();
return this.copyTo(a),
function bnIntValue() {
if (this.s < 0) {
if (1 == this.t)
return this[0] - this.DV;
if (0 == this.t)
return -1
} else {
if (1 == this.t)
return this[0];
if (0 == this.t)
return 0
return (this[1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB | this[0]
function bnByteValue() {
return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 24 >> 24
function bnShortValue() {
return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 16 >> 16
function bnpChunkSize(a) {
return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(a))
function bnSigNum() {
return this.s < 0 ? -1 : this.t <= 0 || 1 == this.t && this[0] <= 0 ? 0 : 1
function bnpToRadix(a) {
if (null == a && (a = 10),
0 == this.signum() || 2 > a || a > 36)
return "0";
var b = this.chunkSize(a)
, c = Math.pow(a, b)
, d = nbv(c)
, e = nbi()
, f = nbi()
, g = "";
for (this.divRemTo(d, e, f); e.signum() > 0;)
g = (c + f.intValue()).toString(a).substr(1) + g,
e.divRemTo(d, e, f);
return f.intValue().toString(a) + g
function bnpFromRadix(a, b) {
null == b && (b = 10);
for (var c = this.chunkSize(b), d = Math.pow(b, c), e = !1, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; h < a.length; ++h) {
var i = intAt(a, h);
0 > i ? "-" == a.charAt(h) && 0 == this.signum() && (e = !0) : (g = b * g + i,
++f >= c && (this.dMultiply(d),
this.dAddOffset(g, 0),
f = 0,
g = 0))
f > 0 && (this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b, f)),
this.dAddOffset(g, 0)),
e && BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
function bnpFromNumber(a, b, c) {
if ("number" == typeof b)
if (2 > a)
for (this.fromNumber(a, c),
this.testBit(a - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), op_or, this),
this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0); !this.isProbablePrime(b);)
this.dAddOffset(2, 0),
this.bitLength() > a && this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a - 1), this);
else {
var d = new Array
, e = 7 & a;
d.length = (a >> 3) + 1,
e > 0 ? d[0] &= (1 << e) - 1 : d[0] = 0,
this.fromString(d, 256)
function bnToByteArray() {
var a = this.t
, b = new Array;
b[0] = this.s;
var d, c = this.DB - a * this.DB % 8, e = 0;
if (a-- > 0)
for (c < this.DB && (d = this[a] >> c) != (this.s & this.DM) >> c && (b[e++] = d | this.s << this.DB - c); a >= 0;)
8 > c ? (d = (this[a] & (1 << c) - 1) << 8 - c,
d |= this[--a] >> (c += this.DB - 8)) : (d = 255 & this[a] >> (c -= 8),
0 >= c && (c += this.DB,
0 != (128 & d) && (d |= -256),
0 == e && (128 & this.s) != (128 & d) && ++e,
(e > 0 || d != this.s) && (b[e++] = d);
return b
function bnEquals(a) {
return 0 == this.compareTo(a)
function bnMin(a) {
return this.compareTo(a) < 0 ? this : a
function bnMax(a) {
return this.compareTo(a) > 0 ? this : a
function bnpBitwiseTo(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f = Math.min(a.t, this.t);
for (d = 0; f > d; ++d)
c[d] = b(this[d], a[d]);
if (a.t < this.t) {
for (e = a.s & this.DM,
d = f; d < this.t; ++d)
c[d] = b(this[d], e);
c.t = this.t
} else {
for (e = this.s & this.DM,
d = f; d < a.t; ++d)
c[d] = b(e, a[d]);
c.t = a.t
c.s = b(this.s, a.s),
function op_and(a, b) {
return a & b
function bnAnd(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.bitwiseTo(a, op_and, b),
function op_or(a, b) {
return a | b
function bnOr(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.bitwiseTo(a, op_or, b),
function op_xor(a, b) {
return a ^ b
function bnXor(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.bitwiseTo(a, op_xor, b),
function op_andnot(a, b) {
return a & ~b
function bnAndNot(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.bitwiseTo(a, op_andnot, b),
function bnNot() {
for (var a = nbi(), b = 0; b < this.t; ++b)
a[b] = this.DM & ~this[b];
return a.t = this.t,
a.s = ~this.s,
function bnShiftLeft(a) {
var b = nbi();
return 0 > a ? this.rShiftTo(-a, b) : this.lShiftTo(a, b),
function bnShiftRight(a) {
var b = nbi();
return 0 > a ? this.lShiftTo(-a, b) : this.rShiftTo(a, b),
function lbit(a) {
if (0 == a)
return -1;
var b = 0;
return 0 == (65535 & a) && (a >>= 16,
b += 16),
0 == (255 & a) && (a >>= 8,
b += 8),
0 == (15 & a) && (a >>= 4,
b += 4),
0 == (3 & a) && (a >>= 2,
b += 2),
0 == (1 & a) && ++b,
function bnGetLowestSetBit() {
for (var a = 0; a < this.t; ++a)
if (0 != this[a])
return a * this.DB + lbit(this[a]);
return this.s < 0 ? this.t * this.DB : -1
function cbit(a) {
for (var b = 0; 0 != a;)
a &= a - 1,
return b
function bnBitCount() {
for (var a = 0, b = this.s & this.DM, c = 0; c < this.t; ++c)
a += cbit(this[c] ^ b);
return a
function bnTestBit(a) {
var b = Math.floor(a / this.DB);
return b >= this.t ? 0 != this.s : 0 != (this[b] & 1 << a % this.DB)
function bnpChangeBit(a, b) {
var c = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a);
return this.bitwiseTo(c, b, c),
function bnSetBit(a) {
return this.changeBit(a, op_or)
function bnClearBit(a) {
return this.changeBit(a, op_andnot)
function bnFlipBit(a) {
return this.changeBit(a, op_xor)
function bnpAddTo(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0, e = Math.min(a.t, this.t); e > c;)
d += this[c] + a[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
if (a.t < this.t) {
for (d += a.s; c < this.t;)
d += this[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
d += this.s
} else {
for (d += this.s; c < a.t;)
d += a[c],
b[c++] = d & this.DM,
d >>= this.DB;
d += a.s
b.s = 0 > d ? -1 : 0,
d > 0 ? b[c++] = d : -1 > d && (b[c++] = this.DV + d),
b.t = c,
function bnAdd(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.addTo(a, b),
function bnSubtract(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.subTo(a, b),
function bnMultiply(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.multiplyTo(a, b),
function bnDivide(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.divRemTo(a, b, null),
function bnRemainder(a) {
var b = nbi();
return this.divRemTo(a, null, b),
function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {
var b = nbi()
, c = nbi();
return this.divRemTo(a, b, c),
new Array(b, c)
function bnpDMultiply(a) {
this[this.t] =, a - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t),
function bnpDAddOffset(a, b) {
for (; this.t <= b;)
this[this.t++] = 0;
for (this[b] += a; this[b] >= this.DV;)
this[b] -= this.DV,
++b >= this.t && (this[this.t++] = 0),
function NullExp() {
function nNop(a) {
return a
function nMulTo(a, b, c) {
a.multiplyTo(b, c)
function nSqrTo(a, b) {
function bnPow(a) {
return this.exp(a, new NullExp)
function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a, b, c) {
var d = Math.min(this.t + a.t, b);
for (c.s = 0,
c.t = d; d > 0;)
c[--d] = 0;
var e;
for (e = c.t - this.t; e > d; ++d)
c[d + this.t] =, a[d], c, d, 0, this.t);
for (e = Math.min(a.t, b); e > d; ++d), a[d], c, d, 0, b - d);
function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a, b, c) {
var d = c.t = this.t + a.t - b;
for (c.s = 0; --d >= 0;)
c[d] = 0;
for (d = Math.max(b - this.t, 0); d < a.t; ++d)
c[this.t + d - b] = - d, a[d], c, 0, 0, this.t + d - b);
c.drShiftTo(1, c)
function Barrett(a) {
this.r2 = nbi(),
this.q3 = nbi(),
BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * a.t, this.r2), = this.r2.divide(a),
this.m = a
function barrettConvert(a) {
if (a.s < 0 || a.t > 2 * this.m.t)
return a.mod(this.m);
if (a.compareTo(this.m) < 0)
return a;
var b = nbi();
return a.copyTo(b),
function barrettRevert(a) {
return a
function barrettReduce(a) {
for (a.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2),
a.t > this.m.t + 1 && (a.t = this.m.t + 1,
a.clamp()),, this.m.t + 1, this.q3),
this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2); a.compareTo(this.r2) < 0;)
a.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1);
for (a.subTo(this.r2, a); a.compareTo(this.m) >= 0;)
a.subTo(this.m, a)
function barrettSqrTo(a, b) {
function barrettMulTo(a, b, c) {
a.multiplyTo(b, c),
function bnModPow(a, b) {
var d, f, c = a.bitLength(), e = nbv(1);
if (0 >= c)
return e;
d = 18 > c ? 1 : 48 > c ? 3 : 144 > c ? 4 : 768 > c ? 5 : 6,
f = 8 > c ? new Classic(b) : b.isEven() ? new Barrett(b) : new Montgomery(b);
var g = new Array
, h = 3
, i = d - 1
, j = (1 << d) - 1;
if (g[1] = f.convert(this),
d > 1) {
var k = nbi();
for (f.sqrTo(g[1], k); j >= h;)
g[h] = nbi(),
f.mulTo(k, g[h - 2], g[h]),
h += 2
var m, p, l = a.t - 1, n = !0, o = nbi();
for (c = nbits(a[l]) - 1; l >= 0;) {
for (c >= i ? m = a[l] >> c - i & j : (m = (a[l] & (1 << c + 1) - 1) << i - c,
l > 0 && (m |= a[l - 1] >> this.DB + c - i)),
h = d; 0 == (1 & m);)
m >>= 1,
if ((c -= h) < 0 && (c += this.DB,
n = !1;
else {
for (; h > 1;)
f.sqrTo(e, o),
f.sqrTo(o, e),
h -= 2;
h > 0 ? f.sqrTo(e, o) : (p = e,
e = o,
o = p),
f.mulTo(o, g[m], e)
for (; l >= 0 && 0 == (a[l] & 1 << c);)
f.sqrTo(e, o),
p = e,
e = o,
o = p,
--c < 0 && (c = this.DB - 1,
return f.revert(e)
function bnGCD(a) {
var b = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone()
, c = a.s < 0 ? a.negate() : a.clone();
if (b.compareTo(c) < 0) {
var d = b;
b = c,
c = d
var e = b.getLowestSetBit()
, f = c.getLowestSetBit();
if (0 > f)
return b;
for (f > e && (f = e),
f > 0 && (b.rShiftTo(f, b),
c.rShiftTo(f, c)); b.signum() > 0;)
(e = b.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && b.rShiftTo(e, b),
(e = c.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && c.rShiftTo(e, c),
b.compareTo(c) >= 0 ? (b.subTo(c, b),
b.rShiftTo(1, b)) : (c.subTo(b, c),
c.rShiftTo(1, c));
return f > 0 && c.lShiftTo(f, c),
function bnpModInt(a) {
if (0 >= a)
return 0;
var b = this.DV % a
, c = this.s < 0 ? a - 1 : 0;
if (this.t > 0)
if (0 == b)
c = this[0] % a;
for (var d = this.t - 1; d >= 0; --d)
c = (b * c + this[d]) % a;
return c
function bnModInverse(a) {
var b = a.isEven();
if (this.isEven() && b || 0 == a.signum())
return BigInteger.ZERO;
for (var c = a.clone(), d = this.clone(), e = nbv(1), f = nbv(0), g = nbv(0), h = nbv(1); 0 != c.signum();) {
for (; c.isEven();)
c.rShiftTo(1, c),
b ? (e.isEven() && f.isEven() || (e.addTo(this, e),
f.subTo(a, f)),
e.rShiftTo(1, e)) : f.isEven() || f.subTo(a, f),
f.rShiftTo(1, f);
for (; d.isEven();)
d.rShiftTo(1, d),
b ? (g.isEven() && h.isEven() || (g.addTo(this, g),
h.subTo(a, h)),
g.rShiftTo(1, g)) : h.isEven() || h.subTo(a, h),
h.rShiftTo(1, h);
c.compareTo(d) >= 0 ? (c.subTo(d, c),
b && e.subTo(g, e),
f.subTo(h, f)) : (d.subTo(c, d),
b && g.subTo(e, g),
h.subTo(f, h))
return 0 != d.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) ? BigInteger.ZERO : h.compareTo(a) >= 0 ? h.subtract(a) : h.signum() < 0 ? (h.addTo(a, h),
h.signum() < 0 ? h.add(a) : h) : h
function bnIsProbablePrime(a) {
var b, c = this.abs();
if (1 == c.t && c[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1]) {
for (b = 0; b < lowprimes.length; ++b)
if (c[0] == lowprimes[b])
return !0;
return !1
if (c.isEven())
return !1;
for (b = 1; b < lowprimes.length;) {
for (var d = lowprimes[b], e = b + 1; e < lowprimes.length && lplim > d;)
d *= lowprimes[e++];
for (d = c.modInt(d); e > b;)
if (0 == d % lowprimes[b++])
return !1
return c.millerRabin(a)
function bnpMillerRabin(a) {
var b = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)
, c = b.getLowestSetBit();
if (0 >= c)
return !1;
var d = b.shiftRight(c);
a = a + 1 >> 1,
a > lowprimes.length && (a = lowprimes.length);
for (var e = nbi(), f = 0; a > f; ++f) {
var g = e.modPow(d, this);
if (0 != g.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) && 0 != g.compareTo(b)) {
for (var h = 1; h++ < c && 0 != g.compareTo(b);)
if (g = g.modPowInt(2, this),
0 == g.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE))
return !1;
if (0 != g.compareTo(b))
return !1
return !0
function SecureRandom() {
if (this.rng_state,
this.rng_seed_int = function (a) {
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] ^= 255 & a,
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] ^= 255 & a >> 8,
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] ^= 255 & a >> 16,
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] ^= 255 & a >> 24,
this.rng_pptr >= rng_psize && (this.rng_pptr -= rng_psize)
this.rng_seed_time = function () {
this.rng_seed_int((new Date).getTime())
null == this.rng_pool) {
this.rng_pool = new Array,
this.rng_pptr = 0;
for (var a; this.rng_pptr < rng_psize;)
a = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random()),
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] = a >>> 8,
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr++] = 255 & a;
this.rng_pptr = 0,
this.rng_get_byte = function () {
if (null == this.rng_state) {
for (this.rng_seed_time(),
this.rng_state = prng_newstate(),
this.rng_pptr = 0; this.rng_pptr < this.rng_pool.length; ++this.rng_pptr)
this.rng_pool[this.rng_pptr] = 0;
this.rng_pptr = 0
this.nextBytes = function (a) {
var b;
for (b = 0; b < a.length; ++b)
a[b] = this.rng_get_byte()
function Arcfour() {
this.i = 0,
this.j = 0,
this.S = new Array
function ARC4init(a) {
var b, c, d;
for (b = 0; 256 > b; ++b)
this.S[b] = b;
for (c = 0,
b = 0; 256 > b; ++b)
c = 255 & c + this.S[b] + a[b % a.length],
d = this.S[b],
this.S[b] = this.S[c],
this.S[c] = d;
this.i = 0,
this.j = 0
function ARC4next() {
var a;
return this.i = 255 & this.i + 1,
this.j = 255 & this.j + this.S[this.i],
a = this.S[this.i],
this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j],
this.S[this.j] = a,
this.S[255 & a + this.S[this.i]]
function prng_newstate() {
return new Arcfour
function parseBigInt(a, b) {
return new BigInteger(a, b)
function pkcs1unpad2(a, b) {
for (var c = a.toByteArray(), d = 0; d < c.length && 0 == c[d];)
if (c.length - d != b - 1 || 2 != c[d])
return null;
for (++d; 0 != c[d];)
if (++d >= c.length)
return null;
for (var e = ""; ++d < c.length;)
e += String.fromCharCode(c[d]);
return e
function pkcs1pad2(a, b) {
if (b < a.length + 11)
return alert("Message too long for RSA"),
for (var c = new Array, d = a.length - 1; d >= 0 && b > 0;)
c[--b] = a.charCodeAt(d--);
c[--b] = 0;
for (var e = new SecureRandom, f = new Array; b > 2;) {
for (f[0] = 0; 0 == f[0];)
c[--b] = f[0]
return c[--b] = 2,
c[--b] = 0,
new BigInteger(c)
function certParser(cert) {
var lines = cert.split("\n")
, read = !1
, b64 = !1
, flag = ""
, retObj = {}; = "",
retObj.salt = "",
retObj.b64 = "",
retObj.aes = !1,
retObj.mode = "",
retObj.bits = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
switch (flag = lines[i].substr(0, 9),
1 == i && "Proc-Type" != flag && 0 == flag.indexOf("M") && (b64 = !0),
flag) {
case "-----BEGI":
read = !0;
case "Proc-Type":
read && ( = lines[i]);
case "DEK-Info:":
if (read) {
var tmp = lines[i].split(",")
, dek = tmp[0].split(": ")
, aes = dek[1].split("-");
retObj.aes = "AES" == aes[0] ? !0 : !1,
retObj.mode = aes[2],
retObj.bits = parseInt(aes[1]),
retObj.salt = tmp[1].substr(0, 16),
retObj.iv = tmp[1]
case "":
read && (b64 = !0);
case "-----END ":
read && (b64 = !1,
read = !1);
read && b64 && (retObj.b64 += pidCryptUtil.stripLineFeeds(lines[i]))
return retObj
// var public_key_1024 = require("common:node_modules/glpb-components-common/src/rsa/rsaKey")
pidCryptUtil = {};
pidCryptUtil = {},
pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64 = function (a, b) {
a || (a = "");
var c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
b = "undefined" == typeof b ? !1 : b;
var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, n, o, p, l = [], m = "";
if (o = b ? pidCryptUtil.encodeUTF8(a) : a,
n = o.length % 3,
n > 0)
for (; n++ < 3;)
m += "=",
o += "\x00";
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n += 3)
d = o.charCodeAt(n),
e = o.charCodeAt(n + 1),
f = o.charCodeAt(n + 2),
g = d << 16 | e << 8 | f,
h = 63 & g >> 18,
i = 63 & g >> 12,
j = 63 & g >> 6,
k = 63 & g,
l[n / 3] = c.charAt(h) + c.charAt(i) + c.charAt(j) + c.charAt(k);
return p = l.join(""),
p = p.slice(0, p.length - m.length) + m
pidCryptUtil.decodeBase64 = function (a, b) {
a || (a = "");
var c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
b = "undefined" == typeof b ? !1 : b;
var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, l = [];
n = b ? pidCryptUtil.decodeUTF8(a) : a;
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o += 4)
g = c.indexOf(n.charAt(o)),
h = c.indexOf(n.charAt(o + 1)),
i = c.indexOf(n.charAt(o + 2)),
j = c.indexOf(n.charAt(o + 3)),
k = g << 18 | h << 12 | i << 6 | j,
d = 255 & k >>> 16,
e = 255 & k >>> 8,
f = 255 & k,
l[o / 4] = String.fromCharCode(d, e, f),
64 == j && (l[o / 4] = String.fromCharCode(d, e)),
64 == i && (l[o / 4] = String.fromCharCode(d));
return m = l.join(""),
m = b ? pidCryptUtil.decodeUTF8(m) : m
pidCryptUtil.encodeUTF8 = function (a) {
return a || (a = ""),
a = a.replace(/[\u0080-\u07ff]/g, function (a) {
var b = a.charCodeAt(0);
return String.fromCharCode(192 | b >> 6, 128 | 63 & b)
a = a.replace(/[\u0800-\uffff]/g, function (a) {
var b = a.charCodeAt(0);
return String.fromCharCode(224 | b >> 12, 128 | 63 & b >> 6, 128 | 63 & b)
pidCryptUtil.decodeUTF8 = function (a) {
return a || (a = ""),
a = a.replace(/[\u00c0-\u00df][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, function (a) {
var b = (31 & a.charCodeAt(0)) << 6 | 63 & a.charCodeAt(1);
return String.fromCharCode(b)
a = a.replace(/[\u00e0-\u00ef][\u0080-\u00bf][\u0080-\u00bf]/g, function (a) {
var b = (15 & a.charCodeAt(0)) << 12 | (63 & a.charCodeAt(1)) << 6 | 63 & a.charCodeAt(2);
return String.fromCharCode(b)
pidCryptUtil.convertToHex = function (a) {
a || (a = "");
for (var b = "", c = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
c = a.charCodeAt(d).toString(16),
b += 1 == c.length ? "0" + c : c;
return b
pidCryptUtil.convertFromHex = function (a) {
a || (a = "");
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c += 2)
b += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a.substring(c, c + 2), 16));
return b
pidCryptUtil.stripLineFeeds = function (a) {
a || (a = "");
var b = "";
return b = a.replace(/\n/g, ""),
b = b.replace(/\r/g, "")
pidCryptUtil.toByteArray = function (a) {
a || (a = "");
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
b[c] = a.charCodeAt(c);
return b
pidCryptUtil.fragment = function (a, b, c) {
if (a || (a = ""),
!b || b >= a.length)
return a;
c || (c = "\n");
for (var d = "", e = 0; e < a.length; e += b)
d += a.substr(e, b) + c;
return d
pidCryptUtil.formatHex = function (a, b) {
a || (a = ""),
b || (b = 45);
for (var c = "", e = a.toLowerCase(), f = 0; f < e.length; f += 2)
c += e.substr(f, 2) + ":";
return e = this.fragment(c, b)
pidCryptUtil.byteArray2String = function (a) {
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
b += String.fromCharCode(a[c]);
return b
Stream.prototype.parseStringHex = function (a, b) {
"undefined" == typeof b && (b = this.enc.length);
for (var c = "", d = a; b > d; ++d) {
var e = this.get(d);
c += this.hexDigits.charAt(e >> 4) + this.hexDigits.charAt(15 & e)
return c
Stream.prototype.get = function (a) {
if (void 0 == a && (a = this.pos++),
a >= this.enc.length)
throw "Requesting byte offset " + a + " on a stream of length " + this.enc.length;
return this.enc[a]
Stream.prototype.hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF",
Stream.prototype.hexDump = function (a, b) {
for (var c = "", d = a; b > d; ++d) {
var e = this.get(d);
c += this.hexDigits.charAt(e >> 4) + this.hexDigits.charAt(15 & e),
7 == (15 & d) && (c += " "),
c += 15 == (15 & d) ? "\n" : " "
return c
Stream.prototype.parseStringISO = function (a, b) {
for (var c = "", d = a; b > d; ++d)
c += String.fromCharCode(this.get(d));
return c
Stream.prototype.parseStringUTF = function (a, b) {
for (var c = "", d = 0, e = a; b > e;) {
var d = this.get(e++);
c += String.fromCharCode(128 > d ? d : d > 191 && 224 > d ? (31 & d) << 6 | 63 & this.get(e++) : (15 & d) << 12 | (63 & this.get(e++)) << 6 | 63 & this.get(e++))
return c
Stream.prototype.reTime = /^((?:1[89]|2\d)?\d\d)(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])([01]\d|2[0-3])(?:([0-5]\d)(?:([0-5]\d)(?:[.,](\d{1,3}))?)?)?(Z|[-+](?:[0]\d|1[0-2])([0-5]\d)?)?$/,
Stream.prototype.parseTime = function (a, b) {
var c = this.parseStringISO(a, b)
, d = this.reTime.exec(c);
return d ? (c = d[1] + "-" + d[2] + "-" + d[3] + " " + d[4],
d[5] && (c += ":" + d[5],
d[6] && (c += ":" + d[6],
d[7] && (c += "." + d[7]))),
d[8] && (c += " UTC",
"Z" != d[8] && (c += d[8],
d[9] && (c += ":" + d[9]))),
c) : "Unrecognized time: " + c
Stream.prototype.parseInteger = function (a, b) {
if (b - a > 4)
return void 0;
for (var c = 0, d = a; b > d; ++d)
c = c << 8 | this.get(d);
return c
Stream.prototype.parseOID = function (a, b) {
for (var c, d = 0, e = 0, f = a; b > f; ++f) {
var g = this.get(f);
d = d << 7 | 127 & g,
e += 7,
128 & g || (void 0 == c ? c = parseInt(d / 40) + "." + d % 40 : c += "." + (e >= 31 ? "big" : d),
d = e = 0),
c += String.fromCharCode()
return c
"undefined" != typeof pidCrypt && (pidCrypt.ASN1 = function (a, b, c, d, e) { = a,
this.header = b,
this.length = c,
this.tag = d,
this.sub = e
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toHexTree = function () {
var a = {};
if (a.type = this.typeName(),
"SEQUENCE" != a.type && (a.value =, this.posEnd())),
null != this.sub) {
a.sub = [];
for (var b = 0, c = this.sub.length; c > b; ++b)
a.sub[b] = this.sub[b].toHexTree()
return a
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.typeName = function () {
if (void 0 == this.tag)
return "unknown";
var a = this.tag >> 6;
1 & this.tag >> 5;
var c = 31 & this.tag;
switch (a) {
case 0:
switch (c) {
case 0:
return "EOC";
case 1:
return "BOOLEAN";
case 2:
return "INTEGER";
case 3:
return "BIT_STRING";
case 4:
return "OCTET_STRING";
case 5:
return "NULL";
case 6:
case 7:
return "ObjectDescriptor";
case 8:
return "EXTERNAL";
case 9:
return "REAL";
case 10:
return "ENUMERATED";
case 11:
return "EMBEDDED_PDV";
case 12:
return "UTF8String";
case 16:
return "SEQUENCE";
case 17:
return "SET";
case 18:
return "NumericString";
case 19:
return "PrintableString";
case 20:
return "TeletexString";
case 21:
return "VideotexString";
case 22:
return "IA5String";
case 23:
return "UTCTime";
case 24:
return "GeneralizedTime";
case 25:
return "GraphicString";
case 26:
return "VisibleString";
case 27:
return "GeneralString";
case 28:
return "UniversalString";
case 30:
return "BMPString";
return "Universal_" + c.toString(16)
case 1:
return "Application_" + c.toString(16);
case 2:
return "[" + c + "]";
case 3:
return "Private_" + c.toString(16)
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.content = function () {
if (void 0 == this.tag)
return null;
var a = this.tag >> 6;
if (0 != a)
return null;
var b = 31 & this.tag
, c = this.posContent()
, d = Math.abs(this.length);
switch (b) {
case 1:
return 0 == ? "false" : "true";
case 2:
return, c + d);
case 6:
return, c + d);
case 12:
return, c + d);
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 26:
return, c + d);
case 23:
case 24:
return, c + d)
return null
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.typeName() + "@" + + "[header:" + this.header + ",length:" + this.length + ",sub:" + (null == this.sub ? "null" : this.sub.length) + "]"
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.print = function (a) {
if (void 0 == a && (a = ""),
document.writeln(a + this),
null != this.sub) {
a += " ";
for (var b = 0, c = this.sub.length; c > b; ++b)
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toPrettyString = function (a) {
void 0 == a && (a = "");
var b = a + this.typeName() + " @" +;
if (this.length >= 0 && (b += "+"),
b += this.length,
32 & this.tag ? b += " (constructed)" : 3 != this.tag && 4 != this.tag || null == this.sub || (b += " (encapsulates)"),
b += "\n",
null != this.sub) {
a += " ";
for (var c = 0, d = this.sub.length; d > c; ++c)
b += this.sub[c].toPrettyString(a)
return b
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toDOM = function () {
var a = document.createElement("div");
a.className = "node",
a.asn1 = this;
var b = document.createElement("div");
b.className = "head";
var c = this.typeName();
b.innerHTML = c,
this.head = b;
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.className = "value",
c = "Offset: " + + "<br/>",
c += "Length: " + this.header + "+",
c += this.length >= 0 ? this.length : -this.length + " (undefined)",
32 & this.tag ? c += "<br/>(constructed)" : 3 != this.tag && 4 != this.tag || null == this.sub || (c += "<br/>(encapsulates)");
var e = this.content();
if (null != e && (c += "<br/>Value:<br/><b>" + e + "</b>",
"object" == typeof oids && 6 == this.tag)) {
var f = oids[e];
f && (f.d && (c += "<br/>" + f.d),
f.c && (c += "<br/>" + f.c),
f.w && (c += "<br/>(warning!)"))
d.innerHTML = c,
var g = document.createElement("div");
if (g.className = "sub",
null != this.sub)
for (var h = 0, i = this.sub.length; i > h; ++h)
return a.appendChild(g),
b.switchNode = a,
b.onclick = function () {
var a = this.switchNode;
a.className = "node collapsed" == a.className ? "node" : "node collapsed"
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.posStart = function () {
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.posContent = function () {
return + this.header
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.posEnd = function () {
return + this.header + Math.abs(this.length)
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toHexDOM_sub = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (!(d >= e)) {
var f = document.createElement("span");
f.className = b,
f.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c.hexDump(d, e))),
pidCrypt.ASN1.prototype.toHexDOM = function () {
var a = document.createElement("span");
if (a.className = "hex",
this.head.hexNode = a,
this.head.onmouseover = function () {
this.hexNode.className = "hexCurrent"
this.head.onmouseout = function () {
this.hexNode.className = "hex"
this.toHexDOM_sub(a, "tag",, this.posStart(), this.posStart() + 1),
this.toHexDOM_sub(a, this.length >= 0 ? "dlen" : "ulen",, this.posStart() + 1, this.posContent()),
null == this.sub)
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(, this.posEnd())));
else if (this.sub.length > 0) {
var b = this.sub[0]
, c = this.sub[this.sub.length - 1];
this.toHexDOM_sub(a, "intro",, this.posContent(), b.posStart());
for (var d = 0, e = this.sub.length; e > d; ++d)
this.toHexDOM_sub(a, "outro",, c.posEnd(), this.posEnd())
return a
pidCrypt.ASN1.decodeLength = function (a) {
var b = a.get()
, c = 127 & b;
if (c == b)
return c;
if (c > 3)
throw "Length over 24 bits not supported at position " + (a.pos - 1);
if (0 == c)
return -1;
b = 0;
for (var d = 0; c > d; ++d)
b = b << 8 | a.get();
return b
pidCrypt.ASN1.hasContent = function (a, b, c) {
if (32 & a)
return !0;
if (3 > a || a > 4)
return !1;
var d = new Stream(c);
3 == a && d.get();
var e = d.get();
if (1 & e >> 6)
return !1;
try {
var f = pidCrypt.ASN1.decodeLength(d);
return d.pos - c.pos + f == b
} catch (g) {
return !1
pidCrypt.ASN1.decode = function (a) {
a instanceof Stream || (a = new Stream(a, 0));
var b = new Stream(a)
, c = a.get()
, d = pidCrypt.ASN1.decodeLength(a)
, e = a.pos - b.pos
, f = null;
if (pidCrypt.ASN1.hasContent(c, d, a)) {
var g = a.pos;
if (3 == c && a.get(),
f = [],
d >= 0) {
for (var h = g + d; a.pos < h;)
f[f.length] = pidCrypt.ASN1.decode(a);
if (a.pos != h)
throw "Content size is not correct for container starting at offset " + g
} else
try {
for (; ;) {
var i = pidCrypt.ASN1.decode(a);
if (0 == i.tag)
f[f.length] = i
d = g - a.pos
} catch (j) {
throw "Exception while decoding undefined length content: " + j
} else
a.pos += d;
return new pidCrypt.ASN1(b, e, d, c, f)
pidCrypt.ASN1.test = function () {
for (var a = [{
value: [39],
expected: 39
}, {
value: [129, 201],
expected: 201
}, {
value: [131, 254, 220, 186],
expected: 16702650
}], b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; ++b) {
var e = new Stream(a[b].value, 0)
, f = pidCrypt.ASN1.decodeLength(e);
f != a[b].expected && document.write("In test[" + b + "] expected " + a[b].expected + " got " + f + "\n")
var dbits, canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe, j_lm = 15715070 == (16777215 & canary);
j_lm && "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName ? ( = am2,
dbits = 30) : j_lm && "Netscape" != navigator.appName ? ( = am1,
dbits = 26) : ( = am3,
dbits = 28),
BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits,
BigInteger.prototype.DM = (1 << dbits) - 1,
BigInteger.prototype.DV = 1 << dbits;
var BI_FP = 52;
BigInteger.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, BI_FP),
BigInteger.prototype.F1 = BI_FP - dbits,
BigInteger.prototype.F2 = 2 * dbits - BI_FP;
var rr, vv, BI_RM = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", BI_RC = new Array;
for (rr = "0".charCodeAt(0),
vv = 0; 9 >= vv; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
for (rr = "a".charCodeAt(0),
vv = 10; 36 > vv; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
for (rr = "A".charCodeAt(0),
vv = 10; 36 > vv; ++vv)
BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert,
Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert,
Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce,
Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo,
Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo,
Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert,
Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert,
Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce,
Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo,
Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo,
BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo,
BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt,
BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString,
BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp,
BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo,
BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo,
BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo,
BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo,
BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo,
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo,
BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo,
BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo,
BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit,
BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven,
BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp,
BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString,
BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate,
BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs,
BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo,
BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength,
BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod,
BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt,
BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0),
BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1),
NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop,
NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop,
NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo,
NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo,
Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert,
Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert,
Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce,
Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo,
Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;
var lowprimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509]
, lplim = (1 << 26) / lowprimes[lowprimes.length - 1];
BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize,
BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix,
BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix,
BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber,
BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo,
BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit,
BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo,
BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply,
BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset,
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo,
BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo,
BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt,
BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin,
BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone,
BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue,
BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue,
BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue,
BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum,
BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray,
BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals,
BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin,
BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax,
BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd,
BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr,
BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor,
BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot,
BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot,
BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft,
BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight,
BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit,
BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount,
BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit,
BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit,
BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit,
BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit,
BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd,
BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract,
BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply,
BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide,
BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder,
BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder,
BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow,
BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse,
BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow,
BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD,
BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime,
Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init, = ARC4next;
var rng_psize = 256;
"undefined" != typeof pidCrypt && "undefined" != typeof BigInteger && "undefined" != typeof SecureRandom && "undefined" != typeof Arcfour && (pidCrypt.RSA = function () {
this.n = null,
this.e = 0,
this.d = null,
this.p = null,
this.q = null,
this.dmp1 = null,
this.dmq1 = null,
this.coeff = null
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.doPrivate = function (a) {
if (null == this.p || null == this.q)
return a.modPow(this.d, this.n);
for (var b = a.mod(this.p).modPow(this.dmp1, this.p), c = a.mod(this.q).modPow(this.dmq1, this.q); b.compareTo(c) < 0;)
b = b.add(this.p);
return b.subtract(c).multiply(this.coeff).mod(this.p).multiply(this.q).add(c)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setPublic = function (a, b, c) {
"undefined" == typeof c && (c = 16),
null != a && null != b && a.length > 0 && b.length > 0 ? (this.n = parseBigInt(a, c),
this.e = parseInt(b, c)) : alert("Invalid RSA public key")
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.doPublic = function (a) {
return a.modPowInt(this.e, this.n)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.encryptRaw = function (a) {
var b = pkcs1pad2(a, this.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3);
if (null == b)
return null;
var c = this.doPublic(b);
if (null == c)
return null;
var d = c.toString(16);
return 0 == (1 & d.length) ? d : "0" + d
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.encrypt = function (a) {
return a = pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(a),
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.decryptRaw = function (a) {
var b = parseBigInt(a, 16)
, c = this.doPrivate(b);
return null == c ? null : pkcs1unpad2(c, this.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.decrypt = function (a) {
var b = this.decryptRaw(a);
return b = b ? pidCryptUtil.decodeBase64(b) : ""
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setPrivate = function (a, b, c, d) {
"undefined" == typeof d && (d = 16),
null != a && null != b && a.length > 0 && b.length > 0 ? (this.n = parseBigInt(a, d),
this.e = parseInt(b, d),
this.d = parseBigInt(c, d)) : alert("Invalid RSA private key")
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setPrivateEx = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
"undefined" == typeof i && (i = 16),
null != a && null != b && a.length > 0 && b.length > 0 ? (this.n = parseBigInt(a, i),
this.e = parseInt(b, i),
this.d = parseBigInt(c, i),
this.p = parseBigInt(d, i),
this.q = parseBigInt(e, i),
this.dmp1 = parseBigInt(f, i),
this.dmq1 = parseBigInt(g, i),
this.coeff = parseBigInt(h, i)) : alert("Invalid RSA private key")
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.generate = function (a, b) {
var c = new SecureRandom
, d = a >> 1;
this.e = parseInt(b, 16);
for (var e = new BigInteger(b, 16); ;) {
for (; this.p = new BigInteger(a - d, 1, c),
0 != this.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || !this.p.isProbablePrime(10);)
for (; this.q = new BigInteger(d, 1, c),
0 != this.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) || !this.q.isProbablePrime(10);)
if (this.p.compareTo(this.q) <= 0) {
var f = this.p;
this.p = this.q,
this.q = f
var g = this.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)
, h = this.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)
, i = g.multiply(h);
if (0 == i.gcd(e).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)) {
this.n = this.p.multiply(this.q),
this.d = e.modInverse(i),
this.dmp1 = this.d.mod(g),
this.dmq1 = this.d.mod(h),
this.coeff = this.q.modInverse(this.p);
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.getASNData = function (a) {
var c = []
, d = 0;
if (a.value && "INTEGER" == a.type && (c[d++] = a.value),
for (var e = 0; e < a.sub.length; e++)
c = c.concat(this.getASNData(a.sub[e]));
return c
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setKeyFromASN = function (a, b) {
var c = ["N", "E", "D", "P", "Q", "DP", "DQ", "C"]
, d = {}
, e = this.getASNData(b);
switch (a) {
case "Public":
case "public":
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++)
d[c[f]] = e[f].toLowerCase();
this.setPublic(d.N, d.E, 16);
case "Private":
case "private":
for (var f = 1; f < e.length; f++)
d[c[f - 1]] = e[f].toLowerCase();
this.setPrivateEx(d.N, d.E, d.D, d.P, d.Q, d.DP, d.DQ, d.C, 16)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setPublicKeyFromASN = function (a) {
this.setKeyFromASN("public", a)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.setPrivateKeyFromASN = function (a) {
this.setKeyFromASN("private", a)
pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.getParameters = function () {
var a = {};
return null != this.n && (a.n = this.n),
a.e = this.e,
null != this.d && (a.d = this.d),
null != this.p && (a.p = this.p),
null != this.q && (a.q = this.q),
null != this.dmp1 && (a.dmp1 = this.dmp1),
null != this.dmq1 && (a.dmq1 = this.dmq1),
null != this.coeff && (a.c = this.coeff),
var RSAinit = function (str) {
return str ? (str += "",
str.length > 60 ? str : RSAencript(str)) : void 0
module.exports = RSAinit;
function getPassword(pwd) {
var ONLINE_KEY = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDMO0o8vYsqInbD/8uraIdWqP8Y\ncc7KQuLS7w0VbCWocyMRYu582LwzycBOPvbbEKt2feqpUKQ+F3peq+HQnI6gL9d6\n6l0ZG3KjflZTQJ8M847USfUNGVbAi3PJG/NiwQHddUUudmjIEAXwadelp/g+/p97\nYcBAz8caQDcEyI0AjQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----;"
var public_key = ONLINE_KEY;
var crypted;
params = {};
params = certParser(public_key);
if (params.b64) {
var key = pidCryptUtil.decodeBase64(params.b64);
var rsa = new pidCrypt.RSA;
var asn = pidCrypt.ASN1.decode(pidCryptUtil.toByteArray(key));
var tree = asn.toHexTree();
crypted = rsa.encrypt(pwd);
return pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(pidCryptUtil.convertFromHex(crypted));