First,I want to confess that this chapter was written while I was listening to the raps, so the content may make you guys feel like I was a little overdosed. (Actually, I really don’t think I can say that.) Ok here we go.
(Ⅳ) The Society
Jane is very satisfied with the Graduate House, which is single occupancy. When Jane in the muggle university, she always wanted to be left alone. Plus, as a muggle, Jane thinks that it would be very hard for her to blend into the roommates. So, the single occupancy dorm is all she wants to start the new term.
The first class of the first day is Herbology, taught by Pomona Sprout. Herbology is about how to look after bizarre plants and mushrooms, and more importantly how to distinguish them and make proper use of these little plant monsters. Ordinarily the first lesson of Herbology is in the castle, then the students need to go to the greenhouse for the following course. Despite the curiosity Jane has towards these fancy plants, she finds it very hazardous and arduous to take control of these plants, some of which can be very savage. “They may bite you, so I hope you all will put your gloves on in next class” said Professor Sprout,” Well, that’s the end of our class.”
During the lunch, Jane notices that the hall is full of the stalls of clubs and associations to take in new members. “Hey Jane, you should be in our society.” yes, you guess right. The corner sits a little table and two conspicuous person- Lacey and Darnell. Our intense Prefect Darnell asks Jane to come over and says, “I sincerely invite you to join our society.” “I am sorry, Darnell, I actually decide not to join any clubs or associations. Besides what’s your society’s name?” Jane looks at the simple decoration and doesn’t find any name on it.
“The society”
“Yes? ”
”No , I mean our name is ‘The society’ ”
Though Jane should be familiar with these strange things and person in the castle, she is surprised by this unreliable Prefect and this shabby association “Society”.
“Hey Darnell’s new pet, you will really need this.” says Lacey in a contemptuous tone, she gives Jane a leaflet and leaves. Darnell catches up with Lacey, and says to Jane, “Promise me, you will think over it, ok?” “I promise.” Jane finds it very hard to say no to this warm-hearted boy.
The leaflet is a little oversimplified, it says that “The Society” has a 1/4 percentage of muggle, actually Jane thinks it is pretty racist, but it does have a function room in Gryffindor common room which is very appealing to Jane.
The afternoon class are extremely boring and Jane feels very distressful when Professor Lockhart emphasizes the importance of a study group. Obviously, Jane doesn’t befriend with anybody who can be her study partner. When Jane turns to Professor Lockhart, this pretentious man suggests her to find a muggle student, “After all, it will be more comfortable and easier to you, and by the way could you help me call Darnell to come over.”
“Merlin’s beard, maybe I am destined to join this stupid society.” Jane mumbles to herself.
“Like I told you, she will come. 10 Sickles, please.” Lacey bursts into a high-pitched laugh, jerking her head to someone behind the large round wooden table. Before Jane has time to look at the stranger behind the desk, the stranger obviously recognizes her first.
“What, why are you here?”
Definitely, the boy is not a stranger to Jane. He is the one who saved her from embarrassment in Flourish and Blotts (丽痕书店)and being so cold and mysterious in Knockturn Alley(翻倒巷).
“As you can see,” Jane shakes the leaflet in her hand,” I decide to join your club.”
“this is not a club, it’s a society.” The boy apparently feels offended.
“There, there, Tommy, I suppose we should be nice to our fifth member” says Lacey.
“I am sorry, fifth? I am the fifth, so who is the other muggle?”
Lacey looks at Tom. She seems ready to see a good show.