How to configure the Internet access for your Three sim card?
I found the configuration for the sim card of Three is not totally right. If your phone can't get automatically get the configuration, you need to do this by yourself. But some configuration should be as follows. The items I don't list out here don't need to be modified here.
Name名称: 3
APN: three.co.uk
User name用户名: [leave this field blank]
Password密码: [leave this field blank]
MMSC: http://mms.um.three.co.uk:10021/mmsc
MMS proxy彩信代理: mms.three.co.uk
MMS port彩信端口: 8799
APN type类型: default,mms,supl,ia
Then, just save this and re-open your internet access. See if this configuration will work. If not, you should contact Three for help.