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Now many of them eschew regimented factory work in favour of less structured lives. They have become omnipresent, clad in their firms’ coloured jackets and weaving perilously through traffic.
这句话中的生词比较多,首先 eschew 英文释义为 to deliberately avoid or keep away from something (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为(有意)避开,回避。比如例句 He had eschewed politics in favour of a life practising law. 他避开了政治,选择了终生从事法律工作。
regimented 英文释义为 involving strict discipline and/or organization (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为 严格死板的。比如例句:The school imposes a very regimented lifestyle on its students. 这所学校对学生实行严格的生活方式。
omnipresent 英文释义为 present everywhere(来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries) 随处可见的。比如例句These days the media are omnipresent. 如今,媒体无所不在。
clad 英文释义 clad (in something)(often used after an adverb or in compounds)wearing a particular type of clothing (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为 覆盖,穿着。比如例句 She was clad in blue velvet. 她穿着蓝色天鹅绒衣服。
weave 英文释义为 to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc. by crossing threads or narrow pieces of material across, over and under each other by hand or on a machine called a loom (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries) 可译为 编织。比如例句 Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible. 大多数蜘蛛织网几乎看不见。这
这里的“weaving perilously through traffic.” 用得哈恩生动形象。因为weave本意是编织,就有一种穿针引线的既视感,而一提到traffic,我们脑中就会浮现出在立交桥上川流不息的车辆这个画面。所以这两个词用到一起,形成的画面感非常强,一个外卖小哥穿梭在的川流不息的车流网中的画面就呼之欲出,十分生动形象。
perilously 英文释义为in a very dangerous way (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为 危险的。比如例句 We came perilously close to disaster.我们险些遭遇灾难。
Millions also work for other kinds of app-based transport services, for example as couriers or drivers for ride-hailing companies.
courier /ˈkʊriər/ 英文释义为 a person or company whose job is to take packages or important papers somewhere (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为通讯员,快递员。
ride-hailing [ˈheɪlɪŋ] 与文中相关英文释义为 to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)可译为 搭车,比如 to hail a taxi/cab