今天碰到两个极端的国外客户,一个优雅的美国女客户,虽然才第一天联系,简单愉快沟通后秒下单,还一直说appreciate,you are so kind and helpful 之类的话。另一个瑞士的男客户,虽然是老客户,但是很不好相处,稍微碰到一点问题就发火,今天竟然对我说shit! 我开始只是心里已经回怼了他一百遍,但是我想我不能这么怂,我一定要怼回去,让他不要嚣张,还要继续给我下单。
事情起因是有一票出口的货,快递收到时有破损。他就发火说我们的产品是shit products and shit package. 事实上我们定制了高级礼盒包装,我还亲自加固了包装,结果因路途遥远,历经波折后还是破损了,而其他货完好无损。我秉承的的原则是对事不对人,有问题第一时间解决问题,有破损就找物流索赔。不能因为出了一点问题就磨灭别人所有的付出和功劳,还用这么粗俗不堪的词语。简直就是有辱斯文,败坏形象。
而且他不是第一次这样,之前一直让我们的包装上不要出现任何中文字眼,因为他怕他的客户看到是从中国出口的,就会觉得是垃圾货。我当时就直接回怼他,if you think the Chinese products are low end or even rubbish,why all your supplier is from China? Why China is the world’s top exporter to so many countries? It is a joke that they don’t like Chinese products while they are using it everyday.
竟敢瞧不起中国制造,我怼回去以后,他又故意找借口说他对中国制造没有敌意。现在一出问题就又辱骂产品不行,不愿意配合售后还带各种威胁。it is a pity the package is broken. But since it happened, let’s just solve it. As you can see from the video and pictures, we have packed all very carefully and safely. If it is still broken, maybe it is due to the long distance and violent transport.
并且让他不要再用那么粗俗不礼貌的词语。I hope you wont get angry and talk the rough words each time. It is rule between us. If you continue the cooperation and order this model, you should know the risk in advance and bear the after sales problem. I have advised you to cancel this model but you insist on it.Maybe you have your background. Then let's solve it together.