长轮询 polling
最朴素的做法是client进行standard polling:
HTTP Polling consists of a client, for example, a web browser, continually asking a server for updates.
There are downsides to this “standard” HTTP polling:
There is no perfect time between requests for updates. Requests will always be either too frequent (and inefficient) or too slow (and updates will take longer than required).
As you scale, and the number of clients increases, the number of requests to the server also increases. This potentially becomes inefficient and wasteful as resources are used without purpose.
HTTP Long Polling is a variation of standard polling that emulates a server pushing messages to a client (or browser) efficiently. 基于HTTP的长连接,是一种通过长轮询方式实现"服务器推"的技术
Web applications were originally developed around a client/server model, where the Web client is always the initiator of transactions, requesting data from the server. Thus, there was no mechanism for the server to independently send or push data to the client without the client first making a request.
To overcome this deficiency, Web app developers can implement a technique called HTTP long polling, where the client polls the server requesting new information. The server holds the request open until new data is available. Once available, the server responds and sends the new information. When the client receives the new information, it immediately sends another request, and the operation is repeated.
This is much more efficient than regular polling.
The browser will always receive the latest update when it is available
The server is not inundated with requests that will never be fulfilled.
How long is a long poll?
In the real world, any client connection to a server will eventually time out. How long the server will hold the connection open before it responds will depend on several factors: The server protocol implementation, server architecture, the client headers and implementation (in particular the HTTP Keep-Alive header), and any libraries that are used to initiate and maintain the connection.
Of course, any number of external factors can also affect the connection, for example, a mobile browser is more likely to temporarily drop the connection as it switches between a WiFi and cellular connection.
def check_msg(request):
version = request.POST.get("v", '')
current = request.POST.get("current", '')
i = 0
while True:
x = BusinessInstanceStepDetail.objects.get(current)
# 有更新
dic = model_to_dict(x)
dic["done_time"] = str(dic["done_time"])
return render_json({'result': True, 'reload': False, "msg": u"数据已更新", "dict": dic})
# 无更新
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
if i == 3600:
return render_json({'result': False, 'reload': False, "msg": u""})
i += 1
except Exception, e:
logger.error(u"获取新的动态失败:%s" % e)
return render_json({'result': False, 'reload': False, "msg": u""})
- 如果探测到更新,或者3600s都没更新,返回
- 长轮询是将原本client侧做的轮询推到了server侧做。让server自己去轮询,轮询到消息更新后,再返回(通知client)。轮询动作本身始终是跑不掉的
换句话说,长轮询对外暴露的是回调式的即时通知,实际底层还是standard polling。但是,在服务端侧的standard polling比客户端通过网络做的远程standard polling好多了
比如,应用程序 watch 配置服务器上的配置变更实现配置热更新,就可以使用long polling