Update: 2021-01-08
001. SFTP插件 / 远程连接服务器 / 报错
SFTP An encoding error was encountered trying to read from the server. Please adjust the "remote_encoding"setting in sftp-config. json.
Common encodings include:
"utf-8": Default and most common encoding
"cp1252"or "iso-8859-15": Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish and Portuguese
"cp1250": Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian(Latin Script), Slovak and Slovene
"cp1251": Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian(Cyrillic)
"cp1253": Modern Greek
"cp1254": Turkish
"cp1255": Hebrew
"cp1256": Arabic, Persian and Urdu
"Cp1257": Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian
"Cp1258": Vietnamese
- SFTP插件配置的默认路径下有中文文件名,将其改为英文即可