创建数据库:Create database test;
创建数据表:Create table if not exists test(id int comment ‘序列号', name string comment ‘姓名', age string comment ‘年龄', sex string comment '性别'….) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ # 设置列分割符为’,’,为后面导入hdfs的csv文件作准备;
3.修改数据表结构: alter table test addcolumns(address string); # 增加表列
修改表名称:alter table test rename to tt ;
修改列:ALTER TABLE test change name new_name string;
删除列 : alter table test drop name;
删除表:drop table test ;
去除导入数据的第一行或最后一行:create table test(id int, name string) TBLPROPERTIES('skip.header.line.count’=‘*’/ ‘skip.footer.line.count'=‘*') # 去除首/尾 *行;
1. 将本地数据push到hdfs, hdfs dfs -put localfile_path remote_filepath;
2. 在hue上执行LOAD DATA INPATH ‘remote_filepath’[overwrite]INTO TABLE text; # 将hdfs的文件导入到hive中;
注:如果导入数据出现Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive, 可能是hdfs文件权限问题; 解决方案:hdfs dfs -chomd 777 filename (文件在hdfs的路径);load data local inpath指的直接从本地文件中加载,先将本地文件拷贝到hdfs,然后再使用;overwrite 是将原先表的数据进行覆盖 3. select count(*) from test; # 查询记录,验证数据是否导入成功;
4.Select * from test limit 10;
5.SELECT DISTINCT('columns_name') from test;
create table if not exists test1(id int comment ‘ID号’, name string comment '姓名’);
Insert overwrite table test1 select id, name from test; <一条一条数据插入效率很慢>
Create table if not exists test2 as select name from test; <复制非分区表>
如果是分区表,先要复制表结构: create table test3 like test; 之后将分区数据拷贝到对应的目录下:dfs -cp -f /user/hive/warehouse/test/* /user/hive/warehouse/test3/; 最后同步信息 msck repair table test3;
create external table if not exists ex_test(id int, name string, sex string) partitioned by(birth string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t’ location ‘file_path’<文件在hdfs路径>
Hive数据存储方式:1.Txtfile<默认,不压缩>; 2.sequencefile<二进制文件支持,压缩类型None,Record,Block>; 3.RcFile(直接对数据进行分开,保证同一个record在一个块上,加载开销大,但是压缩比大,查询响应快,推荐使用);4.Orcfile<后出来的>
Create table if not exists test(id int, name string) partitioned by( sex string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’ ;
添加一个或多个分区:alter table test add partition(brith=’1992’), partition(birth=‘1995’),..;
删除分区:alter table test drop partition(birth=’1992’);
查看分区:show partitions test;
重命名分区: alter table test partition(birth=’1992’) rename to partition(birth=‘1995’);
同步hdfs的分区信息:msck repairtable test;
分桶表 == MapReduce分区:
Create table if not exists test(id int, name string, sex string) clustered by(id) sorted by (name string) into 4 buckets row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t’ stored as textfile;
insert table 桶表名 select * from table **;
Case when ‘’ then ‘’ else '' end ;
Select id, case when num>100 then ‘0-99’ when num<1000 then ‘100-1000’ else ‘>1000’ end from table_name ;
等同于: select id from table_name where num<100 ; && select id from table_name where num>100 and num<1000; && select id from table_name where num>1000;
If (单个条件判断):
SELECT title, if(num>100,0,1) as n,num from car_back LIMIT 10;