Shell command
1. cat
1.1display file content:
cat fileName
1.2copy fileA content to another fileB
cat fileA > fileB
1.3append fileA content to fileB
cat fileA >> fileB
2. grep
2.1search a word in a file
grep "wordToBeSearch" fileName
2.2 indicating the line number
grep -n "wordToBeSearch" fileName
3. tail
3.1 show the last 10 line content
tail -10 fileName
3.2 show the update of last modification of a file
tail -f fileName
4. grep
4.1 find a word in a file
grep "word" fileName
5. curl
5.1 show url content in terminal
5.2 show url content in an output file name fileA
curl -o fileA
curl -O //output content to a file with its original name.
6. wc
word count
6.1 number of lines in fileName
wc -l fileName
6.2 number of words in fileName
wc -w fileName
7. find
walk a file hierarchy
find all file with type .html: find *.html
8. file
determine file type
file file.pdf