A countryman relocated the city to find his fortune and opened his shop in the street. Yet, upon arriving, he found it a little weird that the street was riddled with postholes, debris, and pebbles.
These stones were useful, according to merchants in the neighborhood; the business was not good, fortunately, the peddles could slow down the pedestrians and vehicles, increasing chances of people walking in stores and boosting commercial opportunities.
The countryman, however, didn't buy such reasoning. Regardless of people's dissuasions, he insisted on having the pebbles moved and the road leveled off.
From then on, this street became hustle and bustle with free flow of pedestrians and vehicles, and the business opportunities has been skyrocketing rather than declining.
"The traffic is free flowing, with lower odds of people stopping by shops, but how come business opportunities increase so much?" asked some bemused shoppers.
"People felt sick of the bumpy road, so they would not walk on the road and take a detour instead; with less pedestrians, how could business increase?" explained the countryman.
Consequently, if you help others, you will be their savior and paid back by them. The best approach to maximize personal interest is to practice alturism.