原文地址:WWDC 2017 Initial Impressions
Xcode 9
New Editor
- 一次性Fix多个issue
- 按住Command键移动鼠标查看代码结构
- Command- + or Command– – 放大或缩小字体
- 包含Markdown 编辑器
- 对类名重命名(工程所有地方)
Swift 4
- 可以编译 Swift 3.2 and Swift 4
Xcode ❤️s GitHub
- 关联GitHub account (GitHub.com, or GitHub Enterprise)
Wireless Debugging
- 不用通过USB连接设备调试,可以用局域网连接调试
Simulator Enhancements
- 一次性运行多个模拟器
- Xcode UI tests can access other apps:比如在其他app 测试Extensions
- Tests Can Run On Simulators In Parallel : 比如同时在 iOS 10 Simulator 和 iOS 11 Simulator 测试
- 编辑大文件出色的表现
- 新的build system,beta 版默认关闭,在File -> Workspace Settings 可以打开
- 使用Quick Open or the Search Navigator搜索更快
iOS 11
Drag and Drop
- iPad可以在单个app和跨app 拖动
- iPhone 只能在单个app内拖动
Machine Learning
- 高于CoreImage framework,比如人脸识别,二维码,文本等,配合Core ML 更强大
- VideoToolbox, Photos, and Core Image 这些框架支持
AirPlay 2
iOS Rapid Fire
- App Store Redesign – Coming with iOS 11 is a redesigned App Store app. It looks a lot like Apple Music, and has separate tabs for Apps and Games.
- Promote in-app purchases on the App Store – Got a new in-app purchase that you would like users aware of? You can now promote in-app purchases on the App Store, and additionally, in-app purchases can also be featured on the App Store by Apple!
- Live Photo adjustments – You can now edit Live Photos to do things like loop the Live Photo, or blur the moving parts.
- New SiriKit Domains and Intents – Enhancements to SiriKit now make it possible to add notes, interact with to-do lists and reminders, cancel rides, and transfer money.
- Annotate Screenshots on iPad – When taking a screenshot on your iPad, you’ll be able to quickly access the screenshot via a thumbnail in the corner of the screen, and then annotate it with markup.
- Phased App Releases – Now you can slowly release your app over a period of time. If you’re worried about a new app update putting a heavy load on your server-side backend, this can be a way to mitigate that risk.