TED Talk >> Dania Nyad: Never, ever give up
It's the fifth time I stand on this shore, the Cuban shore, looking out at that distant horizon, believing, again,
that I'm going to make it all the way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean.
Not only have I tried four times, but the greatest swimmers in the world have been trying since 1950, and it's still never been done.
这是我第五次站在这个海岸, 古巴海岸, 望着远处的地平线, 我再次相信,我可以穿越这一片广阔、 危险的海洋荒野。 不仅仅是我已经尝试了四次, 世界上其他伟大的游泳健将自从1950年以来就开始尝试了, 而至今还没有人可以做到。
The team is proud of our four attempts.
It's an expedition of some 30 people.
Bonnie is my best friend and head handler,
who somehow summons will, that last drop of will within me, when I think it's gone, after many, many hours and days out there.
The shark experts are the best in the world -- large predators below.
The box jellyfish, the deadliest venom in all of the ocean, is in these waters, and I have come close to dying from them on a previous attempt.
The conditions themselves, besides the sheer distance of over 100 miles in the open ocean
-- the currents and whirling eddies and the Gulf Stream itself, the most unpredictable of all of the planet Earth.
我们的团队为前四次的尝试感到引以为豪。 它是大约30人组成的远征。 Bonnie是我最好的朋友兼领队, 不知如何竟召唤起了我的勇气, 那最后一滴我以为已经消失了的勇气, 在经历过无数个外面的日日夜夜后。我们有着全世界最好的鲨鱼专家, 它们是海底深处的大型掠夺者。 有箱型水母, 海洋中最致命的毒液, 这片水域里,我前一次尝试的时候差点因此死亡。 我前一次的尝试差点因此死亡。 这些条件本身, 除了浩瀚海洋中100多英里的十足的距离,还有洋流和旋转的漩涡, 和海湾流本身,是地球上最不可预知的。
And by the way -- it's amusing to me that journalists and people, before these attempts, often ask me,
"Well, are you going to go with any boats or any people or anything?"
And I'm thinking, what are they imagining? That I'll just sort of do some celestial navigation
And carry a bowie knife in my mouth,
and I'll hunt fish and skin them alive and eat them, and maybe drag a desalinization plant behind me for fresh water.
Yes, I have a team.
And the team is expert, and the team is courageous, and brimming with innovation and scientific discovery,
as is true of any major expedition on the planet.
- Why is swimming across the ocean a challenge?
> There are many dangerous animals. - According to Diana, why is Bonnie so important to her?
> She inspires her to keep going when she feels like giving up. - To summon one's will means
> to strength one's desire to succeed.
Listen to the sentence and repeat after it
- Bonnie is able to push her whenever she feels like quitting.