我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!
每天早上我会创作一张Wind大长图, 精讲1分钟美剧对白. 每天我会从大长图中节选一条讲解放在这里. 想要学习完整的Wind大长图, 欢迎加入甩掉字幕社群~
8 You know, she's only 18...in dog years.
你们知道, 她只有18岁...按狗的年龄算
这个我也不懂唉, 去查了一下, 养猫养狗的童鞋应该听过这个吧, 如下~
The term dog years refers to a popular conception that household pets—specifically dogs and cats—age seven years for each human year.
For example, a dog of age 9 would be said to be "63 in dog years".
所以如果说一个人是18 in dog years, 意思是这个人实际上85岁了
当然没有真的这么老, 就是损一下她
先说她只有18岁, 大家以为很年轻. 然后一转, 变成了损她, 从而达成了笑果
这有点类似于: 我给你两百万, 越南盾.
从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.
1 Best build-up since Iceman Cometh.
2 Joel Maisel was my knight in shining armor, a gift from God, and he thought I was brilliant.
3 He took me to galleries and poetry readings and Greek dramas.
4 -Uh, excuse me. Excuse me, Miss. -Thanks, toots.
6 She's going to need that.
7 That was Misty Dream, ladies and gentlemen.
8 You know, she's only 18...in dog years.
9 Anyway, I'll leave the jokes to our next performer.
10 He's fresh out of the Merchant Marines or some patriotic shit like that.
11 And, uh, let's hear it for him...Lenny Bruce. Come up.
12 This is the guy I wanted you to see.
13 No way he's funnier than Misty.