今天的翻译还是The Gene里面选取的。我看书速度实在是奇慢无比,基本上半小时也就十页左右,看着欠下的债越来越多,非常焦虑。
In the history of science and technology too, breakthroughs seem to come in two fundamental forms. There are scale shifts--where the crucial advance emerges as a result of an alteration of size or scale alone (the moon rocket, as one engineer famously pointed out, was just a massive jet plane pointed vertically at the moon). And there are conceptual shifts--in which the advance arises because of the emergence of a radical new concept or idea. In truth, the two modes are not mutually exclusive, but reinforcing.
"Patents (or so I had believed) are designed to protect inventions," he wrote. "There was no 'invention' involved in finding [gene fragments] so how could they be patentable?" "It's a quick and dirty land grab.”