SAP IDoc状态70 - This IDoc is saved as theoriginal of an edited document.
比如idoc # IDoc 208828452,由于库存不够,所以没有POST成功,状态51. 后来某用户修改了idoc # 208828452 ,然后POST成功了这个IDoc.
The original of theIDocis stored in the system under the number 0000000208851742.
一个新的Idoc # 208851742被创建了,其状态是 “70” ,这个新的Idoc用于存储IDoc#208828452的原始信息。
ThisIDoc is saved as the original of an edited document
Messageno. E0165
ThisIDoc is the original IDoc of the changed 0000000208828452.
This IDoc cannot be processed. It is onlyused as a backup. You can compare which values of the IDoc 0000000208828452were changed.
新的idoc #208851742 将不能被POST成53状态了!但是我们可以将其状态修改为69(69 IDoc was edited).