6. 所有的疾病都可以界定为这种自我概念所引发的后遗症,它视自己软弱无能、不堪一击、邪恶无情、草木皆兵,因此随时需要自卫。2 如果自我真是如此的货色,不论怎么保护,都会感到爱莫能助的。3 因而不得不求助于怪力乱神来防卫自我。4 这些防卫措施一边得克服自己心目中认定的种种限制,一边还得打造出一个新的自我概念,才能防止旧有的自我概念死灰复燃。5 总之,他一旦把错误当真了,从此便不能不求助于幻觉。6 真相便这样被带入了幻相,实相反倒成了一种威胁,甚至被视为邪恶。7 人们开始害怕爱,因为爱代表了实相。8 这个没有出路的恶性循环就这样拦截了救恩的“侵袭”。
6. Illness of any kind may be defined as the result of a view of the self as weak, vulnerable, evil and endangered, and thus in need of constant defense. 2 Yet if such were really the self, defense would be impossible. 3 Therefore, the defenses sought for must be magical. 4 They must overcome all limits perceived in the self, at the same time making a new self-concept into which the old one cannot return. 5 In a word, error is accepted as real and dealt with by illusions. 6 Truth being brought to illusions, reality now becomes a threat and is perceived as evil. 7 Love becomes feared because reality is love. 8 Thus is the circle closed against the "inroads" of salvation.