Don't scream. Look there.
What the fuck? Get out. I'm calling the police.
You don't want to do that, Tara.
Who the fuck are you?
Your newest and bestest. You should stay and listen to me. Or else this goes viral.
You're making me weak.
"You're making me weak."
We have... we have training against this. You think you're gonna fucking blackmail me? So what? I fuck girls, guys. Who cares? Everyone fucks. That thing has no chance to compromise me. I hope it at least gets you off, man.
What gets me off would disturb you at such a deep level, honey, you'd be best-served never to think about it again. Folks in your line care about that kind of thing, though. And this... Your hair...
Which will test positive for cocaine, can be in Chuck Rhoades' hands within an hour. You're gonna watch, listen, and report, and everything's gonna be fine. It's a lot to take in.
Bestest 非规范用词,但在美语口语中经常使用,表示“最最”的用来突出感情色彩,在蚁人1中也有这个用法
Or else this goes viral. “迅速传播”可以用goes viral表达
get somebody off (美国俚语)使某人欣喜或兴奋,打动或激发某人
We've already gone through all of this crap.
I heard back from my sources. There's a war room set up at Birch's. Lawyers, accountants... the whole thing. Guys at his shop are prepping their résumés.
Well, if it was just smoke, they'd issue a denial... Keep working.
Yeah. They're treating this article like it's a warrant.
Somebody wanted to hurt Birch, and they wanted us on the ass end. So they leaked it. And I do not like it. We need the reins back in our hands.
Understood. You want me to stay on this Axe/Decker thing?
No. Set that aside. Until we know at least as much as this fucking reporter knows, let's keep the brights on Steven Birch.
All right.
Get me every article Randy Kornbluth wrote in the past year. All of Mike Dimonda's articles, too. We'll start there.
Prep v. 把…准备好; 预备; 为(患者)做手术准备; n. (某些私立学校的) 课外作业,备课;
they wanted us on the ass end. 希望我们来擦屁股
We need the reins back in our hands 我们需要拿回主动权