



  • 车辆尺寸
  • 车辆自身坐标系


  • 油门
  • 转向
  • 刹车
  • 手刹
  • 倒车


  • 速度
  • 加速度
  • 偏转
  • 位置坐标


  • 扭矩
  • max rpm
  • 车辆瞬时惯性
  • 最大油门阻尼
  • 空油门阻尼
  • ……



listen(self, callback)



  • frame(int)产生数据时的帧数
  • timestamp(float)产生数据时的仿真器时间
  • transform(carla.transform)产生数据时传感器的位置信息(包含坐标信息和rotation信息

Depth camera


normalized = (R + G * 256 + B * 256 * 256) / (256 * 256 * 256 - 1)
in_meters = 1000 * normalized
Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
image_size_x int 800 Image width in pixels.
image_size_y int 600 Image height in pixels.
fov float 90.0 Horizontal field of view in degrees.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
lens_circle_falloff float 5.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_circle_multiplier float 0.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_k float -1.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_kcube float 0.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_x_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]
lens_y_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
width int Image width in pixels.
height int Image height in pixels.
fov float Horizontal field of view in degrees.
raw_data bytes Array of BGRA 32-bit pixels.


Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
noise_alt_bias float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for altitude.
noise_alt_stddev float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for altitude.
noise_lat_bias float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for latitude.
noise_lat_stddev float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for latitude.
noise_lon_bias float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for longitude.
noise_lon_stddev float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for longitude.
noise_seed int 0 Initializer for a pseudorandom number generator.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
latitude double Latitude of the actor.
longitude double Longitude of the actor.
altitude double Altitude of the actor.


IMU attributes

Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
noise_accel_stddev_x float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (X axis).
noise_accel_stddev_y float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (Y axis).
noise_accel_stddev_z float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (Z axis).
noise_gyro_bias_x float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (X axis).
noise_gyro_bias_y float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Y axis).
noise_gyro_bias_z float 0.0 Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Z axis).
noise_gyro_stddev_x float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (X axis).
noise_gyro_stddev_y float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Y axis).
noise_gyro_stddev_z float 0.0 Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Z axis).
noise_seed int 0 Initializer for a pseudorandom number generator.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Output attributes

Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Transform in world.
accelerometer carla.Vector3D Measures linear acceleration in m/s^2.
gyroscope carla.Vector3D Measures angular velocity in rad/sec.
compass float Orientation in radians. North is (0.0, -1.0, 0.0) in UE.


Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
channels int 32 Number of lasers.
range float 10.0 Maximum distance to measure/raycast in meters (centimeters for CARLA 0.9.6 or previous).
points_per_second int 56000 Points generated by all lasers per second.
rotation_frequency float 10.0 Lidar rotation frequency.
upper_fov float 10.0 Angle in degrees of the highest laser.
lower_fov float -30.0 Angle in degrees of the lowest laser.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
horizontal_angle float Angle (radians) in the XY plane of the lidar this frame.
channels int Number of channels (lasers) of the lidar.
get_point_count(channel) int Number of points per channel captured this frame.
raw_data bytes Array of 32-bits floats (XYZ of each point).



Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
distance float 5 Distance to trace.
hit_radius float 0.5 Radius of the trace.
only_dynamics bool false If true, the trace will only consider dynamic objects.
debug_linetrace bool false If true, the trace will be visible.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).
Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
actor carla.Actor Actor that detected the obstacle (parent actor).
other_actor carla.Actor Actor detected as an obstacle.
distance float Distance from actor to other_actor.


Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
horizontal_fov float 30 Horizontal field of view in degrees.
points_per_second int 1500 Points generated by all lasers per second.
range float 100 Maximum distance to measure/raycast in meters.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).
vertical_fov float 30 Vertical field of view in degrees.

Output attributes

Sensor data attribute Type Description
raw_data list(carla.RadarDetection) The list of points detected
RadarDetection attributes Type Description
altitude float Altitude angle in radians.
azimuth float Azimuth angle in radians.
depth float Distance in meters.
velocity float Velocity towards the sensor.


Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
fov float 90.0 Horizontal field of view in degrees.
fstop float 1.4 Opening of the camera lens. Aperture is 1 / fstop with typical lens going down to f / 1.2 (larger opening). Larger numbers will reduce the Depth of Field effect.
image_size_x int 800 Image width in pixels.
image_size_y int 600 Image height in pixels.
iso float 1200.0 The camera sensor sensitivity.
gamma float 2.2 Target gamma value of the camera.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).
shutter_speed float 60.0 The camera shutter speed in seconds (1.0 / s).

Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
lens_circle_falloff float 5.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_circle_multiplier float 0.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_k float -1.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_kcube float 0.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_x_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]
lens_y_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
min_fstop float 1.2 Maximum aperture.
blade_count int 5 Number of blades that make up the diaphragm mechanism.
exposure_mode str "manual" Can be "manual" or "histogram". More in [UE4 docs][AutomaticExposure.gamesetting].
exposure_compensation float 3.0 Logarithmic adjustment for the exposure. 0: no adjustment, -1:2x darker, -2:4 darker, 1:2x brighter, 2:4x brighter.
exposure_min_bright float 0.1 In exposure_mode: "histogram". Minimum brightness for auto exposure. The lowest the eye can adapt within. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to exposure_max_bright.
exposure_max_bright float 2.0 In exposure_mode: "histogram". Maximum brightness for auto exposure. The highestthe eye can adapt within. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to exposure_min_bright.
exposure_speed_up float 3.0 In exposure_mode: "histogram". Speed at which the adaptation occurs from dark to bright environment.
exposure_speed_down float 1.0 In exposure_mode: "histogram". Speed at which the adaptation occurs from bright to dark environment.
calibration_constant float 16.0 Calibration constant for 18% albedo.
focal_distance float 1000.0 Distance at which the depth of field effect should be sharp. Measured in cm (UE units).
blur_amount float 1.0 Strength/intensity of motion blur.
blur_radius float 0.0 Radius in pixels at 1080p resolution to emulate atmospheric scattering according to distance from camera.
motion_blur_intensity float 0.45 Strength of motion blur [0,1].
motion_blur_max_distortion float 0.35 Max distortion caused by motion blur. Percentage of screen width.
motion_blur_min_object_screen_size float 0.1 Percentage of screen width objects must have for motion blur, lower value means less draw calls.
slope float 0.88 Steepness of the S-curve for the tonemapper. Larger values make the slope steeper (darker) [0.0, 1.0].
toe float 0.55 Adjusts dark color in the tonemapper [0.0, 1.0]
shoulder float 0.26 Adjusts bright color in the tonemapper [0.0, 1.0]
black_clip float 0.0 This should NOT be adjusted. Sets where the crossover happens and black tones start to cut off their value [0.0, 1.0].
white_clip float 0.04 Set where the crossover happens and white tones start to cut off their value. Subtle change in most cases [0.0, 1.0].
temp float 6500.0 White balance in relation to the temperature of the light in the scene. White light: when this matches light temperature. Warm light: When higher than the light in the scene, it is a yellowish color. Cool light: When lower than the light. Blueish color.
tint float 0.0 White balance temperature tint. Adjusts cyan and magenta color ranges. This should be used along with the white balance Temp property to get accurate colors. Under some light temperatures, the colors may appear to be more yellow or blue. This can be used to balance the resulting color to look more natural.
chromatic_aberration_intensity float 0.0 Scaling factor to control color shifting, more noticeable on the screen borders.
chromatic_aberration_offset float 0.0 Normalized distance to the center of the image where the effect takes place.
enable_postprocess_effects bool True Post-process effects activation.
Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
width int Image width in pixels.
height int Image height in pixels.
fov float Horizontal field of view in degrees.
raw_data bytes Array of BGRA 32-bit pixels.


Value Tag Converted color
0 Unlabeled ( 0, 0, 0)
1 Building ( 70, 70, 70)
2 Fence (190, 153, 153)
3 Other (250, 170, 160)
4 Pedestrian (220, 20, 60)
5 Pole (153, 153, 153)
6 Road line (157, 234, 50)
7 Road (128, 64, 128)
8 Sidewalk (244, 35, 232)
9 Vegetation (107, 142, 35)
10 Car ( 0, 0, 142)
11 Wall (102, 102, 156)
12 Traffic sign (220, 220, 0)
Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
fov float 90.0 Horizontal field of view in degrees.
image_size_x int 800 Image width in pixels.
image_size_y int 600 Image height in pixels.
sensor_tick float 0.0 Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Blueprint attribute Type Default Description
lens_circle_falloff float 5.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_circle_multiplier float 0.0 Range: [0.0, 10.0]
lens_k float -1.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_kcube float 0.0 Range: [-inf, inf]
lens_x_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]
lens_y_size float 0.08 Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Sensor data attribute Type Description
fov float Horizontal field of view in degrees.
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
height int Image height in pixels.
raw_data bytes Array of BGRA 32-bit pixels.
timestamp double Simulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform Location and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.
width int Image width in pixels.




  • road ID carla.Waypoint.road_id
  • section ID carla.Waypoint.section_id
  • lane ID carla.Waypoint.lane_id
  • s carla.Waypoint.s
  • is junction(bool)
  • lane width carla.Waypoint.lane_width
  • lane type carla.Waypoint.lane_type
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