Paragraph 3 & 4
To get an accurate picture of the world, you have to count. The data confirm an observation by Franklin Pierce Adams: nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory. The world in earlier decades had more deaths from war, homicide, infectious disease and terrorism; more poverty, autocracies and nuclear weapons; more air and water pollution in rich countries and more cooking smoke and contaminated water in poor ones.
Beyond the headlines
Lest this seem incredible, recall that the 1970s and 1980s saw double-digit inflation and unemployment, gasoline lines, a nuclear stand-off between America and the Soviet Union, communist dictatorships in eastern Europe, fascist ones in Spain and Portugal, military ones across Latin America and East Asia, Marxist and secessionist terrorist brigades in Europe, civil wars throughout Africa and an Iran-Iraq war that killed more than half a million people.
第三、第四段接着第二段,当下并没有新闻里那么糟糕,比起更往前的70 / 80年代要美好的多。第四段只有一句话,却将70 / 80年代大事件都写了出来,很有意思。
要准确地了解这个世界,你需要做些统计。这些数据证实了富兰克林•皮尔斯•亚当斯(Franklin Pierce Adams)的一项观察:我们说过去的时光美好,纯粹是因为记性不好。早前几十年,世界上有更多的人死于战争、谋杀、传染病和恐怖主义;有更多的贫困、独裁和核武器;富国的空气和水污染增加,穷国的炊烟和水污染加剧。
恐怕这看起来不可思议,回想一下70 / 80年代加速的通货膨胀率和失业率,石油危机,美国和苏联之间的核僵局,东欧共产主义独裁,法西斯的西班牙和葡萄牙,拉丁美洲和东亚的军事力量,欧洲的马克思主义和分裂主义恐怖组织,非洲各地内战不断,两伊战争甚至造成50多万人死亡。
Paragraph 3
responsible for:being the agent or cause
e.g.:The moon was responsible for tides, so it made sense if it was closer to Earth, the tides would be higher. ——Literature(Jul 10, 2014)water pollution & contaminated water:水污染的两种说法,在环保文章中可以相互替换,建议背诵。
Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.
提炼句型:Nothing is more … than …
这句话实际上就是:A bad memory is responsible for the good old days than any others.
e.g.:Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point.
Franklin Pierce Adams:(1960.03.23 - 1881.11.15),美国专栏作家, Algonquin Round Table成员,因报纸专栏“The Conning Tower”为人熟知,曾常驻电台智力问答节目“Information Please”。
Franklin P. Adams
Quotes:- "I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
- "To err is human; to forgive, infrequent."
- "Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody."
Franklin Pierce Adams - Wikipedia
Paragraph 4
lest:If you do something lest something unpleasant should happen, you do it to try to prevent the unpleasant thing from happening.
e.g.:lest this should perchance seem incredible to any one, I shall mention still greater things.-
double-digit inflation:an increase in prices at a rate of between 10% and 99%,即加速的通货膨胀。通货膨胀是物价水平普遍而持续的上升。按照通货膨胀的严重程度,可以将其分为三类:
- 第一,爬行的通货膨胀,又称温和的通货膨胀,其特点是通货膨胀率低而且比较稳定。
- 第二,加速的通货膨胀,又称奔驰的通货膨胀,其特点是通货膨胀率较高(一般在两位数以上),而且还在加剧。
- 第三,超速通货膨胀,又称恶性通货膨胀,其特点是通货膨胀率非常高(标准是每月通货膨胀率在50%以上)而且完全失去了控制。
- 另外还有一种受抑制的通货膨胀,又称隐蔽的通货膨胀。这种通货膨胀是指经济中存在着通货膨胀的压力,但由于政府实施了严格的价格管制与配给制,通货膨胀并没有发生。一旦解除价格管制并取消配给制,就会发生较严重的通货膨胀。
gasoline lines:即石油危机(Oil Crisis),这个感觉可以单独拿出来说一说。由于国内房价飞涨,大家对次贷危机和房地产泡沫都耳熟能详,但说到石油危机可能很多人都不太了解。
The Anatomy of Double-Digit Inflation in the 1970s
The Gas Lines of the 70s....
1979 oil crisis - Wikipedia