Ray Dalio在Ted Talk上有过一次演讲。以下是一些摘录。Principle还没有看完,厚厚的一本是要在下半年追一下进度了。
1. Learn from your mistakes. What do you do differently in the future so would not make that painful mistake? Life is about making mistake and knowing about how to pass those mistakes.
2. Diversification. Make tactical asset allocation, develop a balanced portfolio. People tend to own a portfolio that has high correlation to the economy (do well when economy is good and vice verse) . Assets class, strategic assets allocation plan, make diversified bet
3. Asset allocation is to balance risk, not balance asset volume (like 50/50 bond vs equity is wrong). Ray's portfolio (Equities 30%, L-T Treasuries 40%, Intermediary 15%, Gold 7.5%, Commodities 7.5%)
4. Make believability-weighted decision making (Ideal Meritocracy), make better decision than the consensus
5. Mediate (20 mins a day)
第一和最后是我们应该去做的. 其余的, 需要经验, 需要base, 需要resource.