講了John受家庭的影響,他變得越來越叛逆,擾亂課堂,抽煙喝酒,在完成高中學業之後沒有繼續學習,開始工作。John 做過很多不同的工作,周而复始。後來,他發現自己做的事情沒有太大的意義,以及漸漸老去的父親,他經過深思熟慮決定去參軍。
後半部分講了他在軍營的生活。John跟父親通過寫信來聯係,父親很少很直白的表達對他的關心跟愛,但從John 告訴父親他去救災的回信中,John 知道父親其實很關心他的。軍旅生活改變了他很多的陋習~他閱讀鍛練讓自己有了更好的成長。
Q1:John'father said nothing, and from then on he rarely brought up the subject of coins again.
It didn't work. It let them with nothing to say to each other.
Q2:John began to cut classes and smoke and was supended for fighting on three occasions.
Q3:John didn't want to spend another pointless evening pretending that everything in his life was okay. And adviced by his father.
Q4:He quitted smoking in over two years , he moderated drinking and might go a month without having any at all.
Q5:Need to following orders without question.
Yes.He had money in the bank and because of the army life he changed some of his minds.