S01E04 Social Psychology
erratic: adj. 不稳定的;古怪的。n. 漂泊无定的人;古怪的人。- deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion; having no certain or definite course; wandering; not fixed.
stagger: 剧中用到的是stagger the timing of。意为错开时机。
sprinter: n. 短跑选手
Phrases and expressions:
1. wrap up: bring to a conclusion, settle successfully; summarize,recapitulate. [informal] 结束、总结
e.g. As soon as we wrap up this deal, we can go on vacation.
To wrap up, the professor went over the three main categories.
2. It would be a real feather in my transcript.
这句挺有意思,是引申自一句短语a feather in one's cap,是指a praiseworthy accomplishment; distinction; honor. 所以这句话可以理解为,这将是我成绩单上浓墨重彩的一笔(成绩单上引以为傲的事情)。
据说在美洲印第安人中曾经流行过这样的做法:在战斗中每杀死一个敌人,便在自己的帽子上插一支羽毛,作为一种荣誉的标志,在许多其他的民族中,也存在过类似的做法。中国古代也曾经有过用翎毛表功的做法,英语中从这种做法产生了a feather in one’s cap这个成语,虽然这种做法已成为历史,但这个成语却在英语中保留了下来,转意为“值得骄傲、引以为豪的事情”。
3. I'm just going to be up-front. 我坦率地说。当然字幕组翻译为“我事先声明”也是符合语境的。但up-front (也有直接写作upfront)在这里的意思是:honest; candid; straightforward.
4. up top: an exclamation made just before giving a high five to someone to signify the high five that is coming. 就是击掌前的一种说法。
5.rip on someone: Sl. to give someone a hardtime; to hassle someone. 挖苦、揶揄
6. stir the pot: someone who loves to proliferate the tension and drama between 2 or more feuding people/groups in public to get a raise of people in hopes of starting a shitstorm of drama and uncomfortable conflict, sometimes for personal gain but oftentimes just for the thrill of confrontation. 可以理解为煽风点火、兴风作浪。
7. bag on: to judge or criticize someone. 评头论足、评价或批评别人
e.g. Why are you bagging on me?I didn't do anything wrong!
If my friends see me with this stupid haircut, they'll bag on me for months!
Enjoy the show!~