随着全球气候日益变暖,我们需要更多的能源来支撑建筑物里的机械制冷。然而,在空调被大力推出市场以前,19世纪和20世纪之初的大型建筑物都是自然通风,被动冷却,自然采光,所需要的电力消耗只占很小一部分。甚至是医院用到的也是自然通风式的设计,并且实地研究证实,这种设计非常安全有效,即便是有肺结核的病人咳嗽,也不会影响到其他病人。文中提到的Alan Short教授带团队在北京和芝加哥地区都重新启用过这种老式的绿色低碳设计方法,并以备用空调辅助。事实证明,这样的建筑设计可以让空调有一半以上的时间都处于关闭状态。
Today I read an article about the design of skycraper and large public buildings.Once again ,I was shocked by the wisdom of ancestors!
As the global temperatures continue to rise, we are going to continue to squander more and more energy on keeping our buildings mechanically cool. However, Before the air conditioning systems were relentlessly and aggressively marketed, large buildings presented in the 19th and early-20th centuries were naturally ventilated, passively cooled and naturally lit,at a fraction of energy cost.Evenhospitals were built based on these ingenious natural ventilation design, and researches had confirmed that these construction principles were safe and efficient, even someone with tuberculosis coughing in the wards would not affect other patients by using natural ventilation systems. Professor Alan Short with his team ,mentioned in the article, have tried to reinvent some of these ancient green low-carbon design ideas in Beijing and Chicago——built with natural ventilation assisted by back-up air conditioning.It turned out that these building design can make air-conditioning switched off more than half the time.
If future skycraper and public buildings around the world can return to green design principles, energy consumption can be largely cut down,making great contributions to sustainable urban city development.