1 界面展示请求,from_types: ""由字符串变为数组。配合redux-form使用,官方文档已经5-6版本进行了质的改变。
编辑请求URL为 https://dev-main.bindo.io/gateway/v2/stores/382/other_payment_instruments/update_all
2.0 旧版本如果有些和staging展示的不一样,可能是写了两套,换一套看看就知道了。
broken-ui bar也是如此,有时候页面和页脚在一个文件里,有时候不是,注意区分。加了bp的属性可以在控制台Element部分看到。
2 待办任务(划掉),今天要更新的任务 https://bindolabs.atlassian.net/browse/FRONTEND-1817
添加 Note_type for Inventory / quantity_histories page
现在只有 source column, however it's confusing if the listing has Receive order and Return note.
添加一栏 to display Received Order's note_type
(1 = Receive Order,
2 = Normal Return note,
3 = Wastage Return note)
Goods Received Note = Note_type is 1 would be receive_order
Return note = Note_type is 2 normal_return_note
Purchase order = Note_type is empty
Stock Transaction = Note_type is empty
Register sales = Note_type is empty
Inventory variance = Note_type is empty
Request URL:https://analytics.bindo.com/v3/stores/18622/listings/20927293/quantity_histories
根据远程origin / development开辟新分支是最佳实践:
git checkout -b feature/FRONTEND-1817-add-note_type-for-inventor origin/development
要更改的是AngularJS部分:应该是根据字段展示数据,无需进行编辑。更改了 inventoryController.js 的一行数据。可以在return note退货单那里找到名字查询,查出来的Note Type一定有值。
3 新建仓库选择TSP出错
4 新建生产订单的时候Unit部分选择,将选择的结果作为Payload传到创建函数。