With just a few weeks left until the start of the 2016 Olympics, Brazil is still suffering from serious economic problems. The acting governor of Rio de Janeiro warned that the games could be a "failure" if his state doesn't get its finances in order.距离2016年奥运会开幕只有几周时间了,但巴西仍深陷于严重的经济问题之中。里约热内卢州代理州长警告说,如果财政问题不解决,比赛或面临“失败”。
Brazil hasn't followed through on a promise to provide Rio with extra funding for security and transportation, according to Dornelles. Police officers in the city aren't being fully paid and may not even have enough money for gas.根据多内莱斯的说法,巴西尚未兑现承诺为里约提供额外资金以解决安全和交通问题。里约市的警察还没有拿到全部薪金,而且甚至可能连买天然气的钱也付不起。
The missing funds are just the tip of Brazil's iceberg of turmoil.未到位的资金只是巴西混乱的冰山一角。
A functioning police force and transportation system are necessary, given the rising crime in Rio. Murder and robbery are up 15 percent and 30 percent, respectively, since last year, NPR reports. The city is trying to get new buses off the ground to help tourists avoid the favelas — areas vulnerable to violence, theft and gang activity.从里约上升的犯罪率来看,必须要有高效的警力和交通系统。据NPR报道,自去年以来,谋杀和抢劫案件分别上升了15%和30%。城市正在努力引进不在地面运行的新公交车,以便帮助游客们避开贫民窟——那里太容易出现暴力案件、盗窃和帮派活动。
Political Unrest政局动荡
After months of protest from angry Brazilians, the Senate last month voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff over allegations that she lied about the country's economic issues. Rousseff and several members of her cabinet are also accused of making billions off of the state-run oil company Petrobras.在愤怒的巴西人民进行了数月抗议之后,上个月参议院终于投票弹劾总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫,因其遭到指控称其在国家经济问题上说谎,罗塞夫及其内阁数位成员还被控告涉嫌贪污国有石油公司Petrobras数十亿元资产。
Wealth Gap贫富差距
Economic inequality has long been an issue in Brazil. Recent figures indicate that the unemployment rate topped 11 percent last month. Wages are also down. Meanwhile, those involved in the Petrobras scandal are said to have made over $5 billion from bribes, kickbacks and money-laundering.经济上的不平等问题长期以来一直困扰着巴西。最近的数据显示上个月失业率已高达11%,工资水平也非常低。与此同时,据说与巴西石油公司Petrobras丑闻相关的人还通过贿赂、回扣、洗钱等手段贪污了50亿美元。
The Worst Recession In Decades几十年来最严重的经济衰退
Brazil is facing one of the worst recessions the country has ever faced. The economy shrank 5.4 percent in the first three months of the year, the government said. Additionally, as FT points out, export prices have shrunk, household debt has increased, and inflation has risen even more than expected.巴西正面临着前所未有的一次最严重的经济衰退。政府称今年前3个月经济缩水了5.4%。此外,正如FT指出的:出口萎缩,家庭债务增加,通货膨胀程度之高也超乎意料之外。
Zika Fears寨卡引发恐惧
The recent outbreak of the Zika virus has lead to athletes, journalists and other travelers vowing to skip the August games. Although the symptoms of Zika aren't serious, the virus can lead to severe birth defects if contracted by a pregnant woman. There are currently no effective treatments or vaccinations.最近爆发的寨卡病毒疫情使得诸多运动员、记者和其他游客发誓不会参加8月的赛事。尽管寨卡症状并不严重,但如果孕期妇女感染却会导致严重的新生儿出生缺陷,而目前尚无有效的治疗手段或疫苗。