同义词:abjure, renounce, forswear, recant, retract
They all mean to withdraw one’s word or professed belief.它们都指收回所说的话或放弃曾公开表示的信念。
abjure implies a firm and final rejecting or abandoning under oath.它指发誓坚决地并决定性地拒绝或者放弃。candidates for citizenship must abjure allegiance to allegiance to any foreign power。参选者必须断绝与国外势力的联系。 ant pledge(as allegiance), elect(as a way of life)
renounce often equals abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown.它常与abjure等同,但可能含有弃权或否认的意思。willing to renounce his lifelong friend. 想拒绝自己的密友。
forswear may add to abjure an implication of perjury or betrayal.它比abjure多出背信弃义或背叛的含义。 cannot not forswear my principles to win votes 不能为了赢得选举,而放弃自己的信条。
recant stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught.它强调收回或者否认曾公开宣称(或被教导)的东西。The suspect recanted his confession and professed his innocence 嫌疑人否认自己的口供,宣称自己无罪!
retract applies to the withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation.它适用于收回誓言、提议或指控。Under threat of lawsuit the paper retracted the statement. 在诉讼的恐吓下,报纸收回了声明!