1 害怕犯错。对于执行的内容缺乏掌控感,任务本身具有复杂性和不确定性。
Fear of making mistakes. The fear of making mistakes can be paralyzing. Even with all the information, the fear of failure can prevent people from taking the first step.
2 过度分析。在决策的过程中考虑得过多导致难以开始。只要这件事情有超过50%的概率是可行的就可以开始行动,然后再具体的做的过程中发现新的问题并去解决。不去做,只靠像,是没有办法预料到所有可能的情况的。
Over-analyzing. Over-analyzing and overthinking can lead to inaction. When people spend too much time thinking about the pros and cons, they might end up not making any decisions at all.
3 信息轰炸。网络时代为信息搜集提供了很多便利,但是不可能搜集完所有的信息后才去行动,搜集到所需要的关键的信息后,就可以开始行动。
Overwhelming. Having too much information can sometimes be overwhelming. For example, a person wanting to lose weight might feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of exercise information and be unsure of where to begin.
Stepping away from a task. Sometimes, stepping away from a task gives you the perspective needed to solve it more effectively. Because a bit of distance can make it easier to see the bigger picture or spot mistakes.
Allowing ideas to develop and mature. Sometimes, procrastination can actually be beneficial. Because it can provide valuable thinking time, allowing ideas to develop and mature.