
“He was definitely coachable. He was like any other younger player,who’s not sure of their ‘role’ on a team being enough to ease their mindbecause of what they feel they’re capable of. T-Rob can do a lot of differentthings on the court, and at times would try to use his entire arsenal on onegiven play (laughs). Those things are a part of the growth process. With us, hedid accept that we needed him to be a beast on the boards, a monster on defenseand a fireball of energy every time he got on the court. And he was elite atdoing those three things and had a huge impact on our team. I loved workingwith him.”


Last year’s Most Improved Player, C.J.McCollum, also praised Robinson’s effort and professionalism. Robinson was onthe Blazers during McCollum’s rookie year (and for half of his sophomore year),and the young shooting guard learned a lot from Robinson.


“T-Rob is a guy I connected with right away because of his work ethicand passion for the game,” Blazers guard C.J. McCollum said. “I remember goingto the gym after midnight on multiple occasions and seeing him in there workingout with his trainer and our video coordinator.


He is a great competitor andfearless rebounder. I think he can help every team in this league with hisskill set and motor. He just needs to get the right opportunity.


Last year, Robinson averaged 4.3 points and5.1 rebounds in just 12.9 minutes per game with the Nets. Put another way, heaveraged 16.9 points, 19.7 rebounds (including 7.5 offensive boards), 2.5assists, 2.1 steals and two blocks per 100 possessions.


Robinson’s minutes were up and down allyear long, mainly because of a midseason coaching change. For example, heaveraged just 6.5 minutes per game in December under head coach Lionel Hollins.But when Hollins was replaced by interim coach Tony Brown, his minutes nearlytripled. By the final month of the season, he was averaging 25 minutes pergame.


When given the chance to play significantminutes, he often thrived. He started seven games for the Nets and averaged14.6 points, 12.3 rebounds, two assists and 1.6 steals in those contests, whileshooting 54.4 percent from the field. This is obviously a small sample size,but he produced the previous year in Philadelphia as well, suggesting he justneeds minutes: During his 22-game stint with the 76ers, he came off the benchto average 8.8 points and 7.7 rebounds in just 18.5 minutes a night.


Robinson’s Nets teammates saw the impact hemade when he was on the court.


“T-Rob plays hard as hell and he is a workhorse,” said Shane Larkin,who played with Robinson last season in Brooklyn. “He’s a monster on the boardsand he was always a very positive teammate. He just needs a situation wheresomebody will allow him to show his skill set and give him a chance to grow withina franchise. He has played for several teams and several coaches his first fewyears in the league and, speaking from experience, that isn’t the easiest thingto do. At the end of the day, he is an energy source off the bench and a greatteammate. I hope somebody will give him the opportunity to show his true talentbecause that is all he really needs. He was the fifth pick in the draft for areason.”


“That’s my guy,” said Willie Reed, who signed with the Miami Heat butplayed with Robinson last year on the Nets. “T-Rob is an extremely hard workerand tough competitor. He was in the gym working every day because he wants toget better. He’s the type of guy who wants to be the best he can possibly be,while pushing you to do the same. He’s a relentless rebounder and explosiveathlete. He’ll be a great fit for whichever NBA team gets him in free agency.”


As Larkin noted, Robinson has been in somedifficult situations – each year having to adjust to a new system, coachingstaff, group of teammates, city and more. It’s not easy to maximize one’s fullpotential under these circumstances, and Robinson is hoping that free agencybrings him the opportunity to settle down somewhere and focus on playing hisbest basketball.


Robinson certainly learned that the NBA isa business rather quickly, and it seems that the constant changes of sceneryhave humbled him a bit. The former number five overall pick admits that hewanted to be a star early in his career, as just about every young playerselected in the top five does. Now, he just wants to be known as a player whoaggressively rebounds, plays intense defense and hustles on every play.


He cited Orlando’s Bismack Biyombo andCleveland’s Tristan Thompson as big men he emulates now.


“I’ve matured so much,” Robinson said. “I see things completelydifferent now. , I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to hear, ‘Be adefender! Be a rebounder! That’s all you need to do!’ I didn’t want to hearthose things. I’m okay at doing things other than just rebounding and defending,so I didn’t want to just do that. But after all of the trades and constantlyhearing that, it sold me. I think the biggest sign of my maturity is the factthat I’m not striving for the same things that I was when I came into theleague. I’m not trying to put the ball on the floor and score a lot. Beingtraded that many times, I looked in the mirror and realized I need to stickwith what I do best and all of this will go away. If I’m out there averaging 14rebounds per game, those misconceptions will go away (laughs).


“It’s frustrating because anyone who knows me – and a lot of peoplein the NBA know me since I’ve been with a few different organizations – theyknow how I am. Some of the stuff, like being about playing time as arookie in Sacramento, was back when I was an immature 19- or 20-year-old. Iwanted to come in and I wanted to be Kobe! You know? (laughs) Now, I’veaccepted my role and understand the player that I am. It wasn’t easy to do whenI was younger, and I feel like that one mistake I made is staying with me. Now,people say, ‘He doesn’t know his role,’ but that’s something I learned thatfirst season when I was traded several times. I know that my job is strictly tobe a solid rebounder and defender. I want to make it clear to everybody: that’sall I want to do. I want to be one of the best rebounders in the league andlock down anyone who comes my way.


“I’ve heard things like I’m uncoachable and standoffish and act acertain way, but I can tell the people saying those things don’t really knowme. I am a quiet person, that’s just the reality. That’s just my personality,it has nothing to do with my attitude or anything like that. For people to say,‘Oh, he’s a bad kid,’ or, ‘He’s some type of way as a person,’ is unfair. Thestuff I’m hearing isn’t factual and that has made this process a little bithard. It took a turn that I didn’t expect.”


Despite the fact that Robinson has earnedpraise from teammates and coaches and tried to be a positive influence in thecommunity, he continues to hear negative things associated with his name.


“I do a lot of work in the community, but for some reason teams wantto talk about one mistake I made when I was a kid and when I didn’t know who Iwas as a player,” he said. “The negative thing can stick with you and keepcoming up, but all of the good stuff I do isn’t discussed. Every team I’veplayed on, I’ve done some type of charity event in that city. And I’m notsaying that because it’s something that I want praise for, I’m just saying thatit’s interesting what people focus on. Instead, ‘I’m a bad kid who hangs withthe wrong people.’ It’s all wrong. I’m kind of tired of fighting that. I justwant people to know the real me so I can be comfortable around them and buildthose relationships. Right now, there are misconceptions.”


Now, Robinson is hoping to find the rightsituation in free agency and ultimately change the way he’s perceived.


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