// Map an expression over a collection.
// Computes the mean NDVI and SAVI by mapping an expression over a collection
// and taking the mean. This intentionally exercises both variants of
// Image.expression.
// Filter the L7 collection to a single month.
var collection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_TOA')
.filterDate('2002-11-01', '2002-12-01');
// A function to compute NDVI.
var NDVI = function(image) {
return image.expression('float(b("B4") - b("B3")) / (b("B4") + b("B3"))');
// A function to compute Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index.
var SAVI = function(image) {
return image.expression(
'(1 + L) * float(nir - red)/ (nir + red + L)',
'nir': image.select('B4'),
'red': image.select('B3'),
'L': 0.2
// Shared visualization parameters.
var vis = {
min: 0,
max: 1,
palette: [
'FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718',
'74A901', '66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201',
'004C00', '023B01', '012E01', '011D01', '011301'
Map.setCenter(-93.7848, 30.3252, 11);
// Map the functions over the collection, reduce to mean and display.
Map.addLayer(collection.map(NDVI).mean(), vis, 'Mean NDVI');
Map.addLayer(collection.map(SAVI).mean(), vis, 'Mean SAVI');
- 创建数据集对象,使用名称,日期来筛选获得LE07特定数据
- 定义函数,实现输入影像数据,返回NDVI计算结果
- 定义函数,实现输入影像数据,返回调节植被指数SAVI计算结果
- 设置显示参数
- 设置地图中心,缩放等级
- 添加NDVI图层,展示结果
- 添加SAVI图层,展示结果