最近一直在看《Homo Deus—A Brief History of Tomorrow》,这是我读的第四本英文原著,也是最难的一本,书的长度是之前读过书的两倍,内容也上了一个难度,刚开始的时候基本是刚读完几句话就忘了讲的是啥了,再加上没有集中时间读,所以一直就连贯不起来,读书笔记更没得做,好几次都差点放弃换本容易的读。不过咬咬牙克服了开始阶段的难度之后后面就顺畅了许多。
今天在图书馆待了一整天,从早晨八点半读到下午六点,中午休息了一个小时,完整的读完了这本书的15%,约220页,按照 kindle 6号字体来算,平均每页用时2.2分钟。大块时间连续阅读的效果很好,速度提高很快,关键是对于读过的内容基本都理解了。这里的启示是,对于一些学术类的难度比较大的书,还是要抽大块时间连续阅读,尽量不要碎片化阅读。在读的过程中对于重点部分在纸上做笔记或者做小结。
今天另外一个大的收获就是再次感到了英语语言的魅力,读到好几处都兴奋得不行,“The Ark Syndrome”部分值得反复阅读,关键是学习句型。
It was hard to describe how he felt… it was like an epiphany. Close to death, he had never felt so completely alive. There had been split seconds in his life when he'd felt death brush past, like when another fast-moving car veered from around a sharp curve and just missed hitting him head on. On this day he had lived with that feeling, with death breathing right in his face… for moment after moment after moment, for three hours or more… Combat was … a state of complete mental and physical awareness. In those hours on the street he had not been Shawn Nelson, he had no connection to the larger world, no bills to pay, no emotional ties, nothing. He had just been a human being staying alive from one nanosecond to the next, drawing one breath after another, fully aware that each one might be his last. He felt he would never be the same.