1. 空间邻接矩阵
方法:采用空间分析(Analysis Tools)工具箱下的工具空间连接(Spatial Join)进行。
参数:Target Features和Join Features均选择同一个矢量单元,Join Operation选择One_to_Many,Field Map of Joined Features可以选择要保留的字段(可删除部分不感兴趣的字段,也可创建新的指定字段),Match Option下面讲。
重点:Match Option是重点,指定了空间邻接关系的类型。针对面要素,依据是共边还是共顶点一般分为如下三种邻接方式:
- Rook邻接:仅共边邻接(常用)
- Bishop邻接:仅共顶点邻接(比较少用)
- Queen邻接:包括共边和共顶点邻接(常用)
在该工具下,应选择的参数为BOUNDARY_TOUCHES—The features in the join features will be matched if they have a boundary that touches a target feature. When the target and join features are lines or polygons, the boundary of the join feature can only touch the boundary of the target feature and no part of the join feature can cross the boundary of the target feature. 猜测这种邻接方式是Queen邻接。
在生成空间权重矩阵(工具为:ArcToolBox—空间统计工具—空间关系建模—生成空间权重矩阵,或者ArcToolBox-Spatial Stastics Tools-Modeling Spatial Relationships- Generate Spatial Weights Matrix)时,参数选择包括两种
- CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Polygon features that share a boundary are neighbors. Rook邻接。
- CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Polygon features that share a boundary and/or share a node are neighbors. Queen邻接。
3.Spatial Join操作示意: