15期 1508 郑海霞
Nick Sharratt是一位多产的绘本作家,他的创作线条利落,色彩鲜艳,主题充满童趣,文字幽默有趣。
Once Upon a Time 是一本插页游戏书。这本书提供了关于衣、食、住、行的36个物件,不仅可以看,更可以动手玩,玩法百变,让孩子可以依照自己的意愿,自己动手拿下道具,帮故事中的公主做出选择,用这些插页编出上百个不一样的故事。每读一次故事就能创造出完全不同的结局。这本书把说故事的主导权完全还给了孩子。
作者在每一页的句型中都会安排一个留白的“关键词”,让孩子选用物件插入书页上的开口,例如:She lived on top of a hill, in a __"。
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess曾经有位漂亮的公主
She lived on top of a hill, in a__她住在山顶上的__
She lived all by herself except for Fred, her pet__,她与她的宠物__住在一起,
One day, when the beautiful princess was out walking, She met a magic___一天,她外出散步碰到了一个神奇的__,
who said, “beautiful princess, today is your lucky day, because I will grant you three wishes! ”The beautiful princess thought very hard,(如果给你三个愿望,你会许什么样的呢?)
and Then she wished for a ___ for her tea, 吃的?
and she wished for a brand new__用的?
and she wished for a __that she could marry.还是有个爱人?
Her wishes all came true.