CS 4320/5320 - Homework 1
Your task is to analyze a data set of your choice with SQL queries. Based on that analysis, you are expected to submit a small report (two pages), showing the queries and the query results.
You are free to select any structured data set you are interested in. For instance, you may download data from Kaggle (www.kaggle.com) or you may generate data yourself (using the commands for creating and filling tables we saw in Lecture 2). For executing your queries, you may use a local PostgreSQL installation or you may use the DB fiddle Web site (www.db-fiddle.com) which does not require local setup. If choosing the latter option, please select PostgreSQL 12 as the database system (left upper corner of Web site).
Your submission must contain six SQL queries with associated result tables. In your report, only report the first three result rows for each query to remain within space constraints.
Alternatively, you may choose to represent the result of queries with numerical columns as a plot for better readability (not required). Each query must be accompanied by a text description that describes the semantics of the query precisely (typically, one or two sentences per query are sufficient).
Your grade (out of 120 points) will be calculate as follows:
• You receive 10 points per query for correct SQL syntax and for an accurate text description of the query's semantics.
• You receive 10 points if at least one of your queries uses a join operation.
• You receive 10 points if at least one of your queries uses a group by operation.
• You receive 10 points if at least two of your queries use nested queries.
• You receive 10 points if at least one of your queries uses an aggregation function.
• You receive 10 points if at least one of your queries uses a having clause.
• You receive 10 points if at least one of your queries uses an outer join.
In order to obtain full points for query diversity (i.e.., points for using specific SQL features), you must use those features in a "reasonable manner"