下周Guns n' Roses就要来维也纳巡演了!
于是这两天上下班路上开始重温他们所有的专辑,今天听到这首耳闻能详的Mr. Brownstone时,忽然心里一凛:
I used to do a little but a little wouldn't do it
So the little got more and more
I just keep trying to get a little better
Said the little better than before
We've been dancing with Mr. Brownstone
He's been knocking
He won't leave me alone
No, no, no, he won't leave me alone
Mr. Brownstone
对这首Mr. Brownstone,一直以来只是觉得中间那一段长长的顺口溜似的桥段超级过瘾,我还经常自己唱,但竟然从未意识到这首歌其实是讲毒瘾的!
Guess what that is?!
Just look at the lyrics, everything is there in plain sight!
It's quite something that I managed to UNSEE it all these years!