
1. add(add. . . to, add to, add up to, add up)

(1)If you add 5 to 5, you'll get 10. ( =Five added to five is/makes 10. )把……加到……上面

(2)The balloons added to the festival atmosphere. 增添

(3)His whole school education added up to no more than oneyear. 加起来总共

(4)Add up the numbers, and you will get 1155. 把……加起来

2. agree(agree on, agree to, agree with)

(1)agree on 就……达成共识

(2)agree to the plan/ decision/ arrangement 同意

(3)I don't agree with you/ what you said/ your advice. 同意The climate here doesn't agree with me. (食物、天气等)适合(某人)Your story agrees with what I have already heard. 和……一致

3. break(break away from, break down, break into, breakin on, break out, break up, break off, break through)

(1)He decided to break away from the Party. 脱离The prisoner broke away from his guards. 突然挣脱

(2)The peace talks have broken down. 失败Her health broke down under the pressure of work. (=becamevery bad)被搞垮, 垮掉Chemicals in the body break down our food into usefulsubstances. 分解The telephone system has broken down. (机器或车辆等)出故障, 坏掉

(3)The thieves planned to break into a bank. 强行闯入

(4)Please don't break in on our conversation. (=interrupt ordisturb)打断, 搅扰

(5)The Second World War broke out in September 1939. 爆发

(6)After midnight, the party broke up. 解散

(7)He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 停顿, 中断

(8) Our troops had little difficulty in breaking through thelines of the enemy. 突破

4. bring(bring about, bring down, bring in, bring on, bringout, bring up, bring forward)

(1)The only way they can bring about(=cause) political changeis by putting pressure on the country. 引起, 造成

(2) Electricity lines were brought down by falling trees orbranches. 使倒下bring down prices 降低(价格)

(3)The sale brought in over $200. 赚得

(4)Dirt often brings on disease. 引起, 导致The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. 促使(作物、水果等)生长

(5)Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of thephrase? 阐明

(6)Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma. 抚养He was so ill that he brought up everything. 呕吐

(7)Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting. 提出They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday. (将……的日期或时间)提前

5. call(call for, call in on / at, call in, call off, call upon, callon, call out, call up)

(1)The trouble calls for quick action by the government. 需要The workers are calling for better pay. 要求

(2)I formed the habit of calling(dropping)in on him/ calling(dropping)in at his office in the afternoon. 顺便拜访

(3)Your father is ill. You should call in a doctor at once. 找来, 请来The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and helpclear the roads and paths. 召集

(4)They've called off the game because of the thick fog. 取消

(5)He called upon me to speak immediately after him. 请/ 叫(某人做某事)

(6) I called on the people of this country to work hard fornational unity. 号召

(7)The injured soldiers called out in pain. 喊, 叫

(8)The sound of happy laughter called up memories of hischildhood. 使想起某事物, 使回忆起某事物

6. care(care for, care about)

(1)Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using acheque for $1, 500 as a bookmark. 在意, 关心Would you care for a cup of coffee? (=Would you like. . . ?)(礼貌用语)你喜欢/ 要……吗?The mother cared for the sick child day and night. 照顾, 照料

(2)The professor said that he was interested only in research;he didn't care about his students. 关心, 关怀

7. carry(carry on, carry out, carry through)

(1)He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation. 进行One person should carry on where the other had left off. 继续进行下去

(2)I was chosen to carry out our experiment. 完成He did not carry out his promise to us. 履行

(3) The work is tough, but she is the person to carry itthrough(=to complete sth. successfully). 顺利完成, 顺利实现

8. catch(catch fire, catch one's breath, catch one's eye /attention, catch on, be / get caught in, catch sight of, catch upwith)

(1)catch fire(=start burning)着火

(2)catch one's breath 恢复正常呼吸

(3)That car caught his eye / attention. 引起……的注意

(4) That style has never caught on in China. (= becomepopular)流行起来He is very quick to catch on. (=understand)理解

(5)He was caught in the rain. (=be stuck in)被困住Her skirt got caught in the door. (=be hooked in)被钩住

(6)I suddenly caught sight of him in the crowd. 看见

(7)After missing a term through illness he had to work hard tocatch up with the others. 赶上

9. check(check in, check out)

(1)Passengers should check in for flight BA125 to Berlin. (为住旅馆或登机等)办理登记手续check in one's luggage 托运(行李)

(2)I have to check out before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. 办理退房手续, 结账离开(旅馆等)

10. come[come true, come about, come across, come on, come out, come out with, when it comes to(doing) sth. , cometo light, come up, come up with 等]

(1)My dream has come true. 变成现实

(2)How did the accident come about? 发生

(3)I came across this book in an old bookstore on the FourthAvenue. (无意中)碰到, 找到He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really comeacross. 被理解

(4)Come on, or we'll be late! 快点儿Come on, you can do it! 加把劲儿Oh, come on, don't lie! 得了吧Come on, then, hit me! 来吧

(5)This paper comes out every Friday. 出版I think the roses will come out next week. 开花I came out first in the examination. 考试结果……, 考第……名

(6) She sometimes comes out with the most extraordinaryremarks. 说出(尤指令人吃惊或粗鲁的话)

(7)When it comes to mathematics, I know nothing about it. 谈到, 涉及

(8)The robbery did not come to light until the next day. 被发现, 被大家知道

(9)The question hasn't come up yet. 被提及

(10)He came up with an idea. 提出

(11)come to oneself 苏醒过来;come to an end 结束;cometo effect / force 生效;come to a conclusion / decision 得出结论/ 作出决定;come into being / existence 开始存在, 成立, 产生;cometo power 开始执政

11. cut(cut off, cut out, cut up, cut down, cut through)

(1)Mind you don't cut your fingers off! 切断, 切下来

(2)One of the aircraft's engines cut out. (= stop functioning)(马达或发动机)突然熄火, 停止运转cut out sweets in order to lose weight 戒掉, 不吃

(3)cut up vegetables 切碎

(4)cut down a tree 砍倒George is trying to cut his weight down. 削减, 减少

(5)The army was called in to cut through the fallen trees onthe road. 开辟(出路或通道)

12. die(die away / down, die out, die for)

(1) Ronny's steps had died away / down, and there was amoment of silence. (指风、声、光等)逐渐减弱The wind has died away / down again. 逐渐平息

(2) It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 anaverage of one kind of living thing died out each year. 灭绝, 不复存在(3)I'm dying for something to eat. (= long for, starve for, bethirsty for)极想, 渴望

13. do(do up, do away with, do harm / good to, do without, have something / nothing / a lot to do with)

(1)Please do up these books and post them for Mr. Smith. 包, 扎, 系, 捆You'll have to do up the things on the table before we have tea. 整理, 收拾Mary has done herself up for the party. 梳妆打扮

(2)They tried to do away with slavery. 废除

(3)do harm to sb. 对……有害do good to sb. 对……有好处

(4)do without(sb. / sth. ) (尤与can 或could 连用)不用或没有某人/ 某事物也行

(5)have something / nothing / a lot to do with 与……有些/没有/ 有很大关系

14. end(end up with, end up, end in)

(1)Even if none of these is true for us today, it is probable thatone day we will end up with a disability. 以……告终We ended up the dinner with fruit and coffee. 以……而结束

(2)If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital. 最后(有某种结局/ 成了)

(3)The match ended in a win for us. 以……告终, 结果是……

15. fall(fall behind, fall in love with, fall down, fall into, fall inwith)

(1)We can't afford to fall behind our competitors in using thenew technology. 落后于

(2)She has fallen in love with him/ the dress. 爱上, 喜欢上

(3)Where does the plan fall down? 不能令人满意, 不够好

(4)This topic falls naturally into three sections. (=be dividedinto)被分成

(5)I am quite happy to fall in with you/ your suggestions. (=agree with)赞同

16. fix(fix the date for, fix one's eyes on, fix one's attention on)

(1)They've fixed the date for the party. 约定……的日期

(2)He fixed his eyes on the clock. 注视

(3)fix one's attention on 注意

17. get[get back, get up, get through, get round, get along /on(with), get away from, get down to, get over, get rid of, getin, get across, get away with to]

(1)get back 回来, 取回;get up 起床, 起身

(2)The operator finally got me through. 给……接通电话He has got through $1, 000 in less than a year. 用完John has got through the examination. 通过I'll be with you as soon as I get through this work. 做完

(3)The story has got round—everybody knows about it. 消息传开

(4)Do you get along / on with your boss? / Do you and yourboss get along / on? (与某人)和睦相处

(5)He was dead, and I could not get away from my sadness. 摆脱

(6)Don't you think it's time we got down to business? 开始认真做某事

(7)He used to be afraid of heights but he has got over thatnow. 克服, 摆脱(某种情绪)

(8)The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't getrid of them. 摆脱, 去掉

(9)It is time for us to get in crops. 收集或收获某物

(10)Your meaning didn't really get across. 被理解He's not very good at getting his ideas across. 把……讲清楚

(11)If you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it. 侥幸逃脱

18. give(give away, give in to, give off, give out, give up)

(1)He gave away most of his fortune to the poor. 捐赠, 赠送His accent gave him away. 泄露, 暴露

(2)He has given in to my views. 勉强同意

(3)The gas gave off an unpleasant smell. 散发出

(4)The teacher gave out the examination papers. 分发It was given out that the Prime Minister had died suddenly. 宣布The cowboy gave out a yell. 发出(声音)After two days our food gave out, and we had to return to thecamp. 用完The swimmer gave out after ten laps. (人)体力不支

(5)I've given up smoking. 放弃, 中止

19. go(go against, go around, go by, go down, go on, gowith, go without, go over, go in for)

(1)But if you go against nature and do things at the wrongtime of year, you will have to do more work and the results will not beso good. 违背

(2)News of the plane crash went around like wildlife. 传开

(3)Time went by quickly. 过去, 流逝

(4)Shares have gone down again by ten points. (价格等)下跌, (温度等)下降

(5)What is going on there? 发生, (活动)进行

(6)Why not buy some English tapes and some books to go withthem? 与某物相配

(7)When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for anhour or two, they begin to feel bad. 没有……而勉强应付

(8)Go over your work before you hand it in. 仔细检查

(9)He doesn't go in for team games. 对某事有兴趣, 爱好

20. hand(hand down, hand out, hand over to, hand in)

(1)This custom has been handed down since the 18th century. 传下来

(2)The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of thelesson. 分发, 散发

(3)The thief was handed over to the police. 移交He handed the phone over to me. 交给

(4)hand in 上交

21. hold(hold back, hold on to, hold on, hold out, hold up)

(1)She held back, not knowing what to do or say. 犹豫不决Don't hold anything back;you must tell me everything. 隐瞒If they hadn't held him back, he would have beaten you. 阻挡, 阻拦

(2)The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days. 守住You should hold on to your oil shares. 不送或不卖(某物)

(3)He asked me to hold on when he left the telephone to finda pencil. 别挂(电话)

(4)Could he hold out in spite of the difficulty? 坚持(抵抗), 顶住(压力)

(5)The pupil held up his hand to ask the teacher a question. 举起A lot of cars were held up in the accident. 使耽搁, 使停顿

22. keep(keep away from, keep back, keep. . . in mind, keepoff, keep on, keep an eye on, keep to the point / subject, keepup with)

(1) He keeps away from liquor and tobacco. 不沾, 避开, 不接近(2)He may be telling the truth but he is keeping somethingback. 隐瞒(不讲)Finally, he did not give her the right change, but kept back fivepounds. 扣留

(3) You have to be home by 11 o'clock. Keep that in mind, Bob. 记在心里

(4)Keep off the grass. 勿踩, 勿踏I hope the rain keeps off. (雨、雪等)未下

(5) He didn't stop running. He just kept on. 继续(干), 坚持(干)Keep on until you reach the traffic lights. 继续前进

(6)Keep an eye on the baby. 照顾, 照料

(7)keep to the point / subject 紧扣要点/ 主题

(8)I can't keep up with all the changes. (与……)齐步前进, 并驾齐驱, 跟上

23. look (look back upon, look into, look on, look out for, look up, look up to, look through, look down on / upon, lookafter, look around / round, look for, look forward to, look over)

(1)As I look back upon those years, I am struck by Annie'swisdom. 回顾, 回想

(2)I've been looking into this matter this afternoon. 调查

(3)Two men were fighting. The rest were looking on. 旁观

(4)When you're eating fish, look out for fishbones. 当心, 小心

(5)Look up the word in the dictionary. 查寻, 查找

(6)She always looks up to her father. 钦佩, 尊敬

(7)She looked through her notes before the examination. 浏览

(8) He was looked down on / upon because of his humblebackground. 藐视, 看不起

(9)Who will look after the children while their mother is inhospital? 照顾

(10)He looked around / round but saw nothing. 环视

(11)Are you still looking for a job? 寻找

(12)We're so much looking forward to seeing you again. 期望, 盼望

(13)We must look over the house before we decide to rent it. 查看, 检查

24. lose (lose sight of, lose heart, lose one's heart to)

(1)We shouldn't lose sight of the fact. 看不见

(2)Don't lose heart;keep up our courage. 泄气

(3)He lost his heart to this book many years ago. 爱上

25. make(make good use of / make full use of / make themost of, make fun of, make room for, make ends meet, makeit, make out, make no sense, make sense of, make up, makeup for, be made up of, make for)

(1)make good use of / make full use of / make the most of 充分利用(2)It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer. 嘲笑

(3)Can you make room on that shelf for more books? 为……腾出地方

(4)Both husband and wife had to work to make ends meet. 使收支相抵

(5) After years as an unsuccessful businessman, he finallymade it. 获得成功

(6)What a strange person she is! I can't make her out (=understand)at all. 理解I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 辨认清楚

(7)The explanation in the textbook makes no sense, becausethe words are hard. 讲不通, 没意义, 不能被理解

(8)Can you make sense of what he says? 理解

(9)The teacher asked the children to make up a story about atrip to the moon. 编造The actors were making up when we arrived. 打扮

(10)Mary had to make up for the time she missed in schoolwhen she was sick, by studying very hard. 弥补

(11)The team is made up of nine players. 由……组成

(12)The large print makes for easier reading. 有助于, 有利于

26. mean(mean. . . for, be meant for)

(1)His parents meant him for a teacher. 想要(某人)成为

(2)This picture is meant for me. 打算给(谁)This room was meant for the workers' reading room. 打算作为(什么用)

27. pay(pay a visit to, pay attention to, pay back, pay for, pay off)

(1)Perhaps I shall pay a visit to England this winter. 参观

(2)Please pay attention to what I am saying. 注意

(3)It's high time he paid me back the $100 he owes me. 偿还

(4)How much did you pay for the book? 为……而付款

(5)I'll pay off my debt with this check. 还清Did your plan pay off? 成功

28. pick(pick up, pick out )

(1)She picked up the little book and gave it to him. 拾起He has picked up some bad habits in that club. 沾染He picked up Chinese while he was staying in Beijing. (非正式)学到Pick me up at the hotel. (开车)接人This room must be picked up before the guests arrive. 整理, 收拾We picked up the radio signals on our receiver. 接收The weather may pick up. 好转His spirits picked up. (精神)振奋

(2)Have you picked out the movie you want to see? 挑选Can you pick out your brother in the crowd? 认出

29. play(play a part in, play tricks on)

(1)She plays an active part in local politics. 参加(活动)

(2)The girls were playing tricks on their teacher. 捉弄

30. pull(pull down, pull out, pull off / on, pull in, pull up, pullover, pull away, pull apart)

(1)The cinema she used to visit has been pulled down. 拆毁(建筑物)

(2)A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. (车辆或司机)驶出

(3)pull off / on one's shoes, socks, etc. 脱掉/ 穿上鞋、袜子等

(4)The train pulled in right on time. (火车)进站停靠

(5)The driver pulled up at the traffic lights. (使车辆)停下

(6)Pull over and let me pass! 向路边停靠(或让车)

(7)They waved as the bus pulled away. (车辆)开动

(8)The rags are pulled apart by machines. 把……拉开(或拆开)

31. put(put aside, put down, put off, put up, put away, putback, put forward, put out, put. . . to 等)

(1)John puts ten dollars aside every week. 存储, 留下He put aside his textbooks when he left school and neverreopened them. 放下, 放在一边Put aside all that has happened and try to start again. 搁在一边, 不予考虑

(2)Put down that knife before you hurt somebody! 放下He is determined to put down the rebellion. 镇压I'm having a party next Saturday;put it down in your diary sothat you won't forget. 写下

(3)This afternoon's meeting will have to be put off. 推迟, 延迟We've invited friends to supper and it's too late to put them offnow. 取消, 撤销(与某人的会晤或安排)

(4)We can put you up for the night. 留某人住在家中Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 举起

(5)Put your books away. 收起来

(6)Put the dictionary back on the shelf. 放回原处The meeting has been put back until next week. (=put off)推迟Put the clock back by five minutes. 拨慢

(7)Put the clock forward by five minutes. 拨快Are you serious in putting forward such a view? 提出

(8)He put out the lamp and went out. 使熄灭The company puts out 13 new machines every month. 生产, 制造

(9)I just didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a largenote. 给某人添麻烦

(10)put into effect 执行, 使生效;put into force 使生效;putinto practice 实施, 付诸实践;put on weight 增加体重;put one'sheart into 全心全意干某事;put sb. through 给某人接通电话;put touse 利用;put up with 忍受, 容忍

32. refer(refer to)

If you don't know how to pronounce the word, refer to thedictionary. 查阅, 参阅

He referred to the matter once or twice. 提到, 谈到

The man referred to in the talk is one of my friends. 被提及

What I have to say refers to all of you. 涉及

The lady was referring to Mike when she spoke of a bright boy. 指的是

He referred his success to his good teacher. 将……归功于

33. result(result in, result from)

(1)These policies resulted in many people suffering hardship. 导致, 造成

(2)Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident. 由……造成;因……而产生

34. run(run for, run after, run away, run into, run out, run outof, run over, run through)

(1)He is running for governor. 竞选

(2)If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 追赶

(3)She hit the child and ran away. 走掉, 跑掉

(4)I ran into an old friend last week. (=run across/ come across)偶遇

(5)All our supply of food has run out. 用完

(6)We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood. 用完

(7)I ran over a rabbit this morning. (车辆或司机)撞倒并碾过

(8)Run through this article and tell me what you think of it. 快速阅读

35. see(see to, see to it that, see through)

(1)I've got a lot of things to see to. 处理Who is to see to the organization of the next meeting? 负责Will you see to that customer, please? 照顾

(2) Please see to it that the lights are turned off. (= makesure/ ensure that)确保

(3)That overcoat should see me through the winter. (不用于进行时态)帮助或支持某人度过(尤指困难时期)

36. set(set about doing =set out to do, set an example to, set aside, set off, set up, be set in)

(1)We set about clearing(=set out to clear)up the mess. 开始做或处理, 着手

(2)He has set a good example to us. 为……树立榜样

(3)You'd better set aside some money for special use. (为了某种目的)留出, 拨出, 节省Set aside my wishes in this matter. 暂不考虑

(4)We will set off for Africa tomorrow. 动身, 出发Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb. 引爆

(5)Let's set up the tent first and build the fire later. 建起, 竖起He set up a new record. 创造

(6) The film was set in California in the middle of thenineteenth century. 以……为背景, 故事发生在……

37. show(show interest in, show respect for, show off)

(1)Mary showed great interest in the children. 对……表现出感兴趣

(2)Children should show respect for their teachers. 尊敬

(3)Do stop showing off. 炫耀

38. stand(stand for, stand out, stand by)

(1)The letters“UK” stand for “The United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland”. 代表

(2)stand out 显得突出, 显眼, 引人注目;stand by 袖手旁观, 支持, 站在……一边

39. take (take. . . by surprise, take up, take advantage of, take back, take over, take pride in, take the trouble to do sth. , take on, take a message, take part in, take care of, take noticeof, take the place of )

(1)He led the ships down the river to a place where the Britisharmy could land safely and take the enemy by surprise. 突然袭击

(2)I won't take up much of your time. 占去(时间)The table takes up too much room. 占据(空间)When he left school he took up journalism. 开始从事The teacher took up the lesson where he left off yesterday. 继续讲述

(3) Jean took advantage of the lunch hour to finish herhomework. 利用

(4)I take back what I said. 收回(说过的话)

(5)He is taking over my job while I am on holiday. 接替, 接管

(6) He seemed to take great pride in his work. 对……感到骄傲

(7)She had taken the trouble to buy the books for me. 不辞辛劳地做

(8)I'll take on the work, but I can't tell you exactly when I'llfinish it. 同意负责The Great Wall has taken on a new look since theliberation. 呈现Is the supermarket taking on more assistants? 雇用

(9)I am sorry but he is not in. Can I take a message? 传口信

(10)He is going to take part in this discussion. (=participatein)参加(活动)

(11)My sister is taking care of the children while we're away. 照顾

(12)Don't take any notice of what he says. 注意, 理会

(13)Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost. (=replace)代替

40. turn(turn down, turn in, turn out, turn over, turn up, turnto, turn on, turn away 等)

(1) He was poor but proud and turned down every offer ofhelp. 拒绝接受

(2)The campers usually turned in as soon as it got dark. 上床睡觉The teachers have to turn in the reports at the end of the schoolyear. 上交

(3)The examination turned out(to be) easy. 结果是

(4)He'll turn the shop over to his son when he retires. 把……移交给(他人管理)Please turn over this page. 翻转The car struck the wall and turned over. 撞翻, 翻倒He turned over in bed. 翻身, 翻转

(5)The missing boy turned up. 出现

(6)If you have some questions, you can turn to your teachersfor help. 求助于

(7)Mozart's music always turns me on. 使感兴趣

(8)She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 转身(不看)Because the hall was full, many people were turned away. 撵走

(9)turn a blind eye to 视而不见;turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻;turn against 反对, 与……为敌;turn back 返回, 折回, 使往回走

41. benefit from / by, learn from, suffer from, date from

(1)Thousands of millions of people benefit from / by the newpolicy. 得益于

(2)We should learn from Lei Feng. 向……学习

(3)He usually suffers from headache. 受……之苦

(4)The old temple dates from the 14th century. 追溯到

42. answer for, apply for, provide for, account for, sendfor, enter for, exchange. . . for. . .

(1)You will have to answer for your crimes one day. (= beresponsible for or blamed for)对某事物负责, 为某事物受责

(2)apply for a job, post, passport, etc. 申请

(3)She has to provide for her four children. 供养

(4)His illness accounts for his absence. (=bring about/ leadto/ result in/ give rise to)导致

(5)send for a doctor 请某人来(帮忙)

(6)I've entered for the high jump. 报名参加(比赛等)

(7) He exchanged the blue shirt for a red one. 把……换成……

43. fit in, fit in with, lie in, succeed in

(1)I'll try and fit you in after lunch. 找到见某人或做某事的时间

(2)Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? 与(某事物)相适应;与(某人/ 某事物)相协调

(3)The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in theuse we make of them. 在于

(4)Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure forcancer. 成功做某事

44. approve of, dream of, know of, consist of

(1)I approve of your trying to earn some money. 赞成;同意

(2)I dreamt of flying last night. 梦见

(3)Do you know of any way to give up smoking? 了解

(4)The committee consists of ten members. 由……组成

45. decide on, depend on, focus on, wait on, insist on, feedon, concentrate on

(1)Have you decided on a date for the wedding? (经考虑后)决定

(2)I'm depending on you coming. 指望

(3)Please focus your mind on the following problem. 将(注意力等)集中于(某事物)

(4)No one waits on me. 照料或伺候某人(尤指进餐时)

(5)She will insist on getting up early. 坚持要做某事

(6)The cows were fed on hay in the barn. 吃, 以……为食

(7)This firm concentrates on the European market. 集中精力于, 全神贯注于

46. drop out, figure out, leave out, let out, point out, print out, rule out, start out, work out, wear out

(1)She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a yearlater. 中途退学, 辍学

(2)I've never been able to figure him out. 理解;弄明白

(3)Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost? 演算出, 计算出

(4)This word is wrongly spelt;you've left out a letter. 漏掉, 遗漏

(5)Let out a cry of surprise. 发出(叫声等)

(6)Please point out my mistake. 指出, 指明

(7)He wants me to print out the papers for him. (用机器)打印出

(8)That possibility can't be ruled out. 把……排除在外

(9)What time did you start out? 出发, 启程, 动身

(10)Things worked out well. 进展(顺利)

(11)The past few days had really worn him out. 使精疲力竭

47. think over, watch over

(1)Please think over what I've said. 慎重思考(尤指做出决定之前)

(2) Could you watch over my clothes while I am having aswim? 照管

48. connect to, lead to, stick to, object to, listen to, adaptto, appeal to, belong to

(1)Connect the fridge(up)to the power. 把……和……接通

(2)Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 导致

(3)Stick to your principles. 坚持, 坚守

(4)I objected to being treated like this. 反对

(5)He likes to listen to music. 听

(6)Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark. 适应

(7)Do these paintings appeal to you? (= attract)吸引The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 呼吁

(8)That book belongs to me. 属于

49. build up, draw up, fill up, hang up, lift up, pack up, saveup, speed up, stay up, live up to, team up with

(1)Sports and games build up our bodies. 增强

(2)The taxi drew up outside the house. (车辆等)停下来

(3)Fill up the tank. 装满

(4)Don't hang up. 挂断电话

(5) The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted toclimb in. 抬起, 举起

(6)He packed up his things and left. 整理, 把……打包

(7)I was looking for a temporary job so that I would save up togo travelling. 储蓄, 攒钱

(8)The train soon sped up. 加速

(9) She promised the children they could stay up for theirfavourite TV programme. 不睡觉, 熬夜

(10) live up to his parents' expectations 不辜负(他人的期望)

(11)You can team up with each other if you like. 合作

50. deal with, meet with, stay with, live with

How would you deal with the problem? 处理(问题或任务)

If you go to the party you might meet with someone you know. 偶遇

Please stay with me a moment longer. I'm getting to the point ofthe story. 继续留心听某人说话

You'll have to learn to live with it, I'm afraid. 忍受, 容忍

题组训练 用适当的介词或副词填空

①(2015 湖北, 26) Don't worry. I'm sure your missing glasseswill turn up sooner or later.

②(2014 江苏, 30)—Dad, I don't think Oliver the right sort ofperson for the job. —I see. I'll go right away and pay him off .

③ If you had gone over your test paper carefully beforehanding it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.

④We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well.

⑤I'm planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can makeno guarantees because it depends on the weather.

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