8月底接到一位朋友的活,按照他的要求上架了一个应用(添加了几百元的内购),并使用自己的主开发者账号上架,9月初把这个应用转让给了朋友,过了一段时间,这个应用下架了,下架原因不明(但是肯定有大量的内购行为).可能和这个应用有牵连,之后主账号的多个应用审核就出问题了,至今一个多月了还是waiting for review,或者in review.期间我重新撤回再提交,同样审核不了.也没收到任何邮件或消息.后来实在等不起了,重新申请了一个开发者账号,把转出的应用更改了Bundle ID和部分内容,重新提交审核,结果收到了reject信息,即"Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed"大礼包...
Thanks for review!
Actually, our app do not violate any of guidelines from list above.
for given 1.1.6 , our app did correctly show our contents.
for given 2.3.0 , we did not design any significant concept changes after approval,if we wanted to change something,wo actually provided a new version of this app.
for given 2.3.1, we never hided any ’switch’ in app that may redirected to a illegal website
for given 3.1.1, we did not design any feature that must be paid for use in our app. so we did not choose in-app purchase.
for given 3.2.1, we do not have the loan services from financial institution performing.
for given 4.3.0, we will update this app always , so ,this app can be different from any of other apps in AppStore.
for given 5.2.1, we have responsibilities for providing users service. and our entity is legal.
for given 5.2.3, we don't have the ability to facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media from third party sources
for given 5.3.4, we are locate in beijing of China, who have our rights for using our app. it is legal, it is compliance
we hope you can continue review as as soon as possible. and sincerely thank you !
- 查看之前的被拒原因