F: Quack quack quack
M: Whos there?
F: Peek, peek, peek-a-boo
M: Where are you?
F: Peek peek, I see you
M: Oh, a duck, Hello duck
F: Hello, am a duck, quack!(自己提前把
duCk和 turkey的玩偶准备女好)
M: I am a turkey, Gobble
F: Quack
M: gobble gobble
讲完书后就提议玩 hide andpeek游戏,玩恐龙游戏熟悉各种恐龙
M: Honey, let's play the hind and
peek, peek-a-tyrannosaur rex, Ok?
F: Ok
M: Here we
F:Roar, Perk peek peek a
yrannosaur rex
M: who's there?
F: Peek peek I see you
M: Wows,a dinosaur, a tyrannosaur rex, go
M: Oh, you want to play the hide and peek
game, ok, I will close my eyes and count
from one to ten
M: where are you?Are you behind the
door? No! Are you behind the curtain?No!
F: Peek peek peek-a-boo
M: I hear something, where?
F:Peek peek I see
M: Wow,you are behind the bed!