接下来进行Try Git(http://try.github.io/)这个网站后续的命令讲解。
1.14Staged Differences
Another great use fordiffis looking at changes within files that have already been staged. Remember, staged files are files we have told git that are ready to be committed.
Let's usegit addto stageoctofamily/octodog.txt, which I just added to the family for you.
git add octofamily/octodog.txt
使用git add来保存阶段性文件octofamily/octodog.txt,。这是文件是我刚刚为你添加进家庭的文件。
1.15Staged Differences (cont'd)
Good, now go ahead and rungit diffwith the--stagedoption to see the changes you just staged. You should see thatoctodog.txtwas created.
git diff --staged
现在你可以继续运行git diff(加上参数---staged)来查看你上个命令产生的变化。
1.16Resetting the Stage
So now that octodog is part of the family, octocat is all depressed. Since we love octocat more than octodog, we'll turn his frown around by removingoctodog.txt.
You can unstage files by using thegit resetcommand. Go ahead and removeoctofamily/octodog.txt.
git reset octofamily/octodog.txt
你可以使用git reset命令来删除文件。执行下面命令来移除octodog文件。
git resetdid a great job of unstaging octodog.txt, but you'll notice that he's still there. He's just not staged anymore. It would be great if we could go back to how things were before octodog came around and ruined the party.
Files can be changed back to how they were at the last commit by using the command:git checkout -- . Go ahead and get rid of all the changes since the last commit foroctocat.txt
git checkout -- octocat.txt
git reset做了一个伟大的工作,unstageing octodog文档。但你会注意到文档依然存在。只是不再stage了。如果你可以回退到在octodog文档创建之前的状态就好了。(原文用了比喻手法)
你可以使用git checkout -- .命令,从而是文档回退到最近一次的提交状态。自从上次提交octocat.txt文档之后带来的一系列变化,可以通过执行下面的命令来消除。从而回到到提交octocat.txt之前的状态
1.18Branching Out
When developers are working on a feature or bug they'll often create a copy (aka.branch) of their code they can make separate commits to. Then when they're done they can merge this branch back into their mainmasterbranch.
We want to remove all these pesky octocats, so let's create a branch calledclean_up, where we'll do all the work:
git branch clean_up
1.19Switching Branches
Great! Now if you typegit branchyou'll see two local branches: a main branch namedmasterand your new branch namedclean_up.
You can switch branches using thegit checkout command. Try it now to switch to theclean_upbranch:
git checkout clean_up
太棒了,现在你可以使用git branch来看到本地的两个分支,一个主分支master,和一个你的新建分支clean_up。
你可以使用git checkout 命令来选择使用哪个分支。下面是选择clean_up分支的命令:
1.20Removing All The Things
Ok, so you're in theclean_upbranch. You can finally remove all those pesky octocats by using thegit rmcommand which will not only remove the actual files from disk, but will also stage the removal of the files for us.
You're going to want to use a wildcard again to get all the octocats in one sweep, go ahead and run:
git rm '*.txt'
好了,你现在在clean_up分支当中了,通过使用git rm命令,你可以移除哪些烦恼的octocat文件了,这个命令不仅仅会从磁盘上移除最近的文件,同时也会将库上的文件同时移除。
1.21Commiting Branch Changes
Now that you've removed all the cats you'll need to commit your changes.
Feel free to rungit statusto check the changes you're about to commit.
git commit -m "Remove all the cats"
1.22Switching Back to master
Great, you're almost finished with the cat... er the bug fix, you just need to switch back to themasterbranch so you can copy (ormerge) your changes from theclean_upbranch back into themasterbranch.
Go ahead and checkout themasterbranch:
git checkout master
1.23Preparing to Merge
Alrighty, the moment has come when you have to merge your changes from theclean_upbranch into themasterbranch. Take a deep breath, it's not that scary.
We're already on themasterbranch, so we just need to tell Git to merge theclean_upbranch into it:
git merge clean_up
1.24Keeping Things Clean
Congratulations! You just accomplished your first successful bugfix and merge. All that's left to do is clean up after yourself. Since you're done with theclean_upbranch you don't need it anymore.
You can usegit branch -d to delete a branch. Go ahead and delete theclean_upbranch now:
git branch -d clean_up
你可以使用git branch -d 命令来删除分支。现在执行下面命令,删除clean_up分支吧
1.25The Final Push
Here we are, at the last step. I'm proud that you've made it this far, and it's been great learning Git with you. All that's left for you to do now is to push everything you've been working on to your remote repository, and you're done!
git push