UDHI 设为0的时候表示短消息内容中不包含头部信息
UDHI 设为1的时候表示短消息内容中包含头部信息
随意简单的发送文本短信 设置为 pid =0; udhi=0;
PID一般文本的时候设0,铃声图片设1 TP-Protocol-Identifier (TP-PID)
The TP-Protocol-Identifier parameter serves the purposes indicated in subclause 3.2.3. It consists of one
octet, and the bits in the octet are used as follows:
The MS will interpret reserved or unsupported values as the value 00000000 but shall store them exactly
as received.
The SC may reject messages with a TP-Protocol-Identifier containing a reserved value or one which is not
bits usage
7 6
0 0 Assigns bits 0..5 as defined below
0 1 Assigns bits 0..5 as defined below
1 0 reserved
1 1 Assigns bits 0-5 for SC specific use
In the case where bit 7 = 0 and bit 6 = 0,
bit 5 indicates telematic interworking:
value = 0 : no interworking, but SME-to-SME protocol
value = 1 : telematic interworking
In the case of telematic interworking, the following five bit patterns in bits 4..0 are used to indicate different
types of telematic devices:
00000 implicit - device type is specific to this SC, or can be concluded on the basis of
the address
00001 telex (or teletex reduced to telex format)
00010 group 3 telefax
00011 group 4 telefax
00100 voice telephone (i.e. conversion to speech)
00101 ERMES (European Radio Messaging System)
00110 National Paging system (known to the SC)
00111 Videotex (T.100/T.101)
01000 teletex, carrier unspecified
01001 teletex, in PSPDN
01010 teletex, in CSPDN
01011 teletex, in analog PSTN
01100 teletex, in digital ISDN
01101 UCI (Universal Computer Interface, ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)
01110..01111 (reserved, 2 combinations)
10000 a message handling facility (known to the SC)
10001 any public X.400-based message handling system
10010 Internet Electronic Mail
10011..10111 (reserved, 5 combinations)
11000..11110 values specific to each SC, usage based on mutual agreement between the
SME and the SC (7 combinations available for each SC)
11111 A GSM mobile station. The SC converts the SM from the received
TP-Data-Coding-Scheme to any data coding scheme supported by that MS (e.g.
the default).
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If bit 5 has value 1 in an SMS-SUBMIT PDU, it indicates that the SME is a telematic device of a type which
is indicated in bits 4..0, and requests the SC to convert the SM into a form suited for that device type. If
the destination network is ISDN, the SC must also select the proper service indicators for connecting to a
device of that type.
If bit 5 has value 1 in an SMS-DELIVER PDU, it indicates that the SME is a telematic device of a type
which is indicated in bits 4..0.
If bit 5 has value 0 in an SMS-DELIVER PDU, the value in bits 4..0 identifies the SM-AL protocol being
used between the SME and the MS.
Note that for the straightforward case of simple MS-to-SC short message transfer the Protocol Identifier is
set to the value 0.
In the case where bit 7 = 0, bit 6 = 1, bits 5..0 are used as defined below
000000 Short Message Type 0
000001 Replace Short Message Type 1
000010 Replace Short Message Type 2
000011 Replace Short Message Type 3
000100 Replace Short Message Type 4
000101 Replace Short Message Type 5
000110 Replace Short Message Type 6
000111 Replace Short Message Type 7
001000..011110 Reserved
011111 Return Call Message
100000..111101 Reserved
111110 ME De-personalization Short Message
111111 SIM Data download
A short message type 0 indicates that the ME must acknowledge receipt of the short message but may
discard its contents.
The Replace Short Message feature is optional for the ME and the SIM but if implemented it shall be
performed as described here.
For MT short messages, on receipt of a short message from the SC, the MS shall check to see if the
associated Protocol Identifier contains a Replace Short Message Type code.
If such a code is present, then the MS will check the associated SC address and originating address and
replace any existing stored message having the same Protocol Identifier code, SC address and originating
address with the new short message and other parameter values. If there is no message to be replaced,
the MS shall store the message in the normal way.
If a Replace Short Message Type code is not present then the MS will store the message in the normal
In MO short messages the SC reacts similarly but only the address of the originating MS or any other
source is checked.
A Return Call Message indicates to the MS to inform the user that a call (e.g. a telephone call) can be
established to the address specified within the TP-OA. The RP-OA contains the address of the SC as
usual. The message content (if present) gives displayable information (e.g. the number of waiting voice
messages). The message is handled in the same way as all other messages of the Replace Short
Message Types.
The ME De-personalization Short Message is a ME-specific message which instructs the ME to
de-personalities the ME (see GSM 02.22 [25]). The TP-DCS shall be set to Uncompressed, Default
Alphabet, and Message Class 1 (ME-specific), which corresponds to a bit coding of 00010001. The
TP-UD field contains de-personalization information coded according to GSM 02.22 [25]. This information
shall not be displayed by an ME which supports the scheme. The acknowledgement to this message is a
SMS-DELIVER-REPORT for RP-ACK in which the TP-User-Data shall be coded according to GSM 02.22.
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SIM Data download is a facility whereby the ME must pass the short message in its entirety including all
SMS elements contained in the SMS deliver to the SIM using the mechanism described in GSM 11.11.
The DCS shall be set to 8 bit message class 2 (either bit coding 1111 0110 or 00010110). The entire user
data field is available for SIM Data download. TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator (TP-UDHI)
The TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator is a 1 bit field within bit 6 of the first octet of an SMS-SUBMIT and
SMS-DELIVER PDU and has the following values.
Bit no. 6
0 The TP-UD field contains only the short message
1 The beginning of the TP-UD field contains a Header in addition to the
short message